Instituut voor Theoretische Fysica Universiteit van Amsterdam 1018 XE Amsterdam The Netherlands
R. Foot
School of Physics Research Centre for High Energy Physics The University of Melbourne Victoria 3010 Australia January 2003
A new and inexpensive technique for detecting self interacting dark
matter in the form of small grains in bulk matter is proposed. Depending
on the interactions with ordinary matter, dark matter grains in bulk
matter may be isolated by using a centrifuge and using ordinary matter
as a filter. The case of mirror matter interacting with ordinary matter via
photon-mirror photon kinetic mixing provides a concrete example of this
type of dark matter candidate.
It is known that a large fraction of the mass of the universe is in the form
of dark matter. Most of this dark matter is believed to exist in the form of
as of yet unknown elementary particles. Many different types of candidates
have been proposed, such as weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPS),
strongly interacting massive particles (SIMPS) and charged massive particles
(CHAMPS). Despite many experimental searches all attempts to detect these
particles have failed. For a review see.