Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Fisikwan Indonesia

Fisikawan Indonesia

Fisikawan ITB

1 Dekan Dr. Akhmaloka

2 Ketua Senat Fakultas Dr. Sukirno, M.Sc.

3 Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik Dr. Pudji Astuti Waluyo, MS

4 Wakil Dekan Bidang Sumberdaya Dr. Idam Arif

5 Ketua Program Studi Astronomi Dr. Dhani Herdiwijaya, MS

6 Ketua Program Studi Fisika Dr. Pepen Arifin

7 Ketua Program Studi Kimia Dr. Bunbun Bundjali, MS

8 Ketua Program Studi Matematika Dr. Saladin Uttunggadewa, MS

9 Sekretaris Program Studi Magister Aktuaria Drs. Muh. Syamsuddin M.Com., Ph.D.

10 Sekretaris Program Studi Magister dan Doktor Astronomi Dr. Mahasenaputra, M.Sc.

11 Sekretaris Program Studi Magister dan Doktor Fisika Dr.rer.nat. Umar Fauzi

12 Sekretaris Program Studi Magister dan Doktor Kimia Dra. Fida M. Warganegara, MS, Ph.D.

13 Sekretaris Program Studi Magister dan Doktor Matematika Drs. Yudi Soeharyadi, MSi., Ph.D.

14 Kepala Bagian Tata Usaha Dra. Binarti Dyah Pertiwi

15 Kasubbag Administrasi Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Yayan Mulyani

16 Kasubbag Administrasi Kepegawaian Ahmad Rosad Mahmud, S.Sos.

17 Kasubbag Keuangan Ella Nurlaila Jamilah, S.Sos.

18 Kasubbag Perencanaan dan Sistem Informasi Yunyun Hendra Gunawan, ST

19 Kasubbag Sarana dan Prasarana Lani Marlani, A.Md.

20 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Astronomi Dr. Suhardja D. Wiramihardja

21 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Fisika Material Elektronik Dr. Toto Winata

22 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Fisika Magnetik dan Fotonik Dr. Herman, MS

23 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Fisika Sistem Kompleks Dr.rer.nat. Umar Fauzi

24 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Fisika Nuklir dan Biofisika Dr. Zaki Su`Ud, M.Eng

25 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Fisika Teoretik Energi Tinggi Drs. Triyanta, MS, Ph.D.

dan Instrumentasi

26 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Kimia Analitik Dr. Muhammad Bachri Amran

27 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Kimia Anorganik dan Fisik Dr.Ing.Cynthia Linaya

28 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Kimia Organik Prof. Dr. Euis Holisotan Hakim, MS

29 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Biokimia Dr. Achmad Saifuddin Noer

30 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Aljabar Prof. Dr. Maman A. Djauhari

31 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Analisis dan Geometri Prof. Dr. Hendra Gunawan

32 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Matematika Industri dan Keuangan Dr. Roberd Saragih, MT

33 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Matematika Kombinatorika Prof. Dr. Edy Tri Baskoro, M.Sc.

34 Ketua Kelompok Keahlian/Keilmuan Statistika Dr. Sutawanir Darw
5 Ketua Program Studi Teknik Fisika Ir. Hermawan Kresno D.M.SEE, Ph.D.

Fisikawan UGM

Prof. Drs. Kusminarto, M.Sc, Ph.D
Dr. H. Anwar Dhani
Dr. Karyono, S.U
Drs. Guntur Maruto, S.U
Dr. H. Kirbani Sri Brotopuspito
Drs. Agung Bambang Setio Utomo, S.U, Ph.D
Drs. Kamsul Abraha, M.Sc, Ph.D
Drs. Harsojo, S.U, M.Sc
Dr. M.Ali Joko Wasono
Drs. Gede Bayu Suparta, M.Si, Ph.D
Drs. Sunarta, M.Si
Drs, Wagini, M.Si
Dr. Arief Hermanto, M.Sc (Head of Physics Study Program)
Drs. Bambang Murdaka Eka Jati, M.Si
Dra. Chotimah, M.Si
Drs. Pekik Nurwantoro, M.Sc, Ph.D
Dr. rer. nat.. M.Farchani Rosyid, M.Si.
Juliasih Partini, S.Si, M.Si
Mitrayana, S.Si, M.Si (Secretary of Physics Study Program)
Rinto Anugraha, S.Si, M.Si
Mirza Satriawan, M.Si, Ph.D
Dwi Satya Palupi, S.Si, M.Si
Drs. Yosef Rebertus utomo, S.U
Drs. Eko Sulistyo, M.Si
Eko Tri Sulisyani, S.Si
Dr. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si
Ikhsan Setiawan, S.Si, M.Si
Dr. Eng. Yusril Yusuf, S.Si, M.Si
Imam Santosa, S.Si, M.Sc
Fakhrudin Nugroho, S.Si
Dr.Abdul Haris Adhi Harmoko, M.Kom
Dr. Agus Salam Dr. A. Harsono Soepardjo, M.Sc
Dr. Anto Sulaksono Dr. Ariadne L Juwono
Dr. Azwar Manaf Dr. Bambang Soegijono
Dr. Budhy Kurniawan Dr-Ing. Cuk Imawan
Dr. Dedi Suyanto Prof. Dr. Djarwani S Soedjoko
Djati Handoko, M.Si Dr. Djoko Triyono
Drs. Djonaedi Saleh, Msi Dwi Seno Kuncoro, M.Si
Dr. Herbert Pahala S Dr. Imam Fachruddin
Isom Mudzakir, S.Si Dr.rer.nat Kebamoto, M.Sc
Lingga Hermanto, M.Si Dr. Martarizal
Muhammad Aziz Majidi, Ph.D Dr. Muhammad Hikam
Dr. M.Syamsu Rosid, MT Dr. Mussadiq Musbach
Nurlely, M.Si Dr. Prawito
Dr. Rachmat Widodo Adi Prof.Dr. Rosari Saleh
Dr. Santoso Soekirno Dr. Sastra Kusuma Wijaya
Dr. Suhardjo Poertadji Dr. Supriyanto Suparno
Dr. Terry Mart Vivi Fauzia, M.Si
Dr. Yunus Daud
Staf Pengajar Tidak Tetap Arief Sudarmadji, MT Dr. B.E.F Da Silva, M.Sc
Ganijanti Aby Surojo, M.Si Iwan Sugihartono, M.Si
Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko Supriyanto, M.Si
Supriyanto, S.Si Surya Darma, M.Si
Dr. Tony Mulia Yayan Sofyan, M.Si
Arief Sudarmadji, MT Sri Soejati

Himpunan Fisikawan Indonesia

Anung Kusnowo, Prof. Dr. (Mantan Ketua HFI Pusat)
Sumadji, Prof. Dr. (Anggota Terpilih)
Prayoto, Prof. Dr. (Anggota Terpilih)
Barmawi, Prof. Dr. (Anggota Terpilih)
Tjia May On, Prof. Dr. (Anggota Terpilih)

Pengurus Pusat

Ketua :
Masno Ginting, Prof. Dr. (Perpanjangan : 10 Oktober 2004 - 2006)
� Masno Ginting, Dr. APU (10 Oktober 2001 - akhir)
� Anung Kusnowo, Dr. (Pjs 1 Januari - 10 Oktober 2001)
� Darmadi Kusno, Prof. Dr. (April - Desember 2000)

Wakil Ketua :
Pramudita Anggraita, Dr.

Sekretaris :
Edi Tri Astuti M.Eng
M.M. Sulyanti M.EngSci

Bendahara :
Diah Intani, Dr.

Bidang Penerbitan Jurnal HFI & Fasilitas Komunikasi/internet :
L.T. Handoko, Dr.
Terry Mart, Dr.

Bidang Litbang :
M. Natsir, Dr.
Irzaman, MSi.

Bidang Pendidikan :
M. Komarudin, Dr.
Budhy Kurniawan, Dr.
Slamet, Drs.

Bidang Kerjasama & Promosi :
Yohanes Surya, Dr.
Sukirno, Dr.

Bidang Urusan Aplikasi Fisika di Industri :
Togar Harapan P., Dr.
Simon Ramli S., Drs.
Remon Pakpahan, Drs.

Bidang Urusan Luar Negeri :
Romulus Godang, Dr. (Amerika)
Kurniawan Foe (Amerika)
Jeffrey Rufinus, Dr. (Amerika)
Ken Kawan Soetanto, Prof. Dr. (Jepang)
Victor Siregar, Drs. (Jepang)
Husin Sitepu, Dr. (EU)
Imam Fachruddin (EU)
Ariadne Lakshmidevi Juwono (Australia)
Syamsu Rosid (Australia)

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Indonesia Space Exploration Society

Arip Nurahman
Department of Physics
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Indonesia University of Education


Follower Open Course Ware at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, USA
Department of Physics
Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering

Space exploration is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space.

Physical exploration of space is conducted both by human spaceflights and by robotic spacecraft.

While the observation of objects in space known as astronomy pre-dates reliable recorded history, it was the development of large liquid-fueled rocket engines during the early 20th century that allowed physical space exploration to become a reality. Common rationales for exploring space include advancing scientific research, uniting different nations, ensuring the future survival of humanity and developing military/strategic advantages against other countries. Various criticisms of Space Exploration are sometimes made, generally on cost or safety grounds.

Space exploration has often been used as a proxy competition for geopolitical rivalries such as the Cold War. The early era of space exploration was driven by a "Space Race" between the Soviet Union and the United States; the launch of the first man-made object to orbit the Earth, the USSR's Sputnik 1, on October 4, 1957, and the first Moon landing by the American Apollo 11 craft on July 20, 1969 are often taken as the boundaries for this initial period.

The Soviet space program achieved many of the first milestones under Sergey Korolyov and Kerim Kerimov, including the first human spaceflight (Yuri Gagarin aboard Vostok 1) in 1961, the first spacewalk (by Aleksei Leonov) in 1965, and the launch of the first space station (Salyut 1) in 1971. However, the first man-made objects to reach space were Nazi-Germany's V2 rockets, used as early as the Second World War.

After the first 20 years of exploration, focus shifted from one-off flights to renewable hardware, such as the Space Shuttle program, and from competition to cooperation as with the International Space Station.
From the 1990s onwards, private interests began promoting space tourism and now private space exploration of the Moon (see GLXP).

Larger government programs have advocated manned missions to the Moon and possibly Mars sometime after 2010.


Semoga Bermanfaat


MIT Open Course Ware

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Space Math II Educator Guide

Audience: Educators
Grades: 7-9

These activities comprise a series of 24 practical mathematics applications in space science. This collection of activities is based on a weekly series of space science problems distributed to teachers during the 2005-2006 school year. The problems in this booklet investigate science and mathematics concepts such as solar energy; stars; scientific notation; and distance, rate and time. The problems are authentic glimpses of modern engineering issues that arise in designing satellites to work in space. Each word problem has background information providing insight into the basic phenomena of the sun-Earth system, specifically space weather. One-page teacher sheets with answer keys accompany the one-page assignments.

Space Math II  [12MB PDF file]

Individual sections:
Introductory Pages
Problem 1, Solar Storm Timeline
Problem 2, Solar Energy in Space
Problem 3, Why do stars rise in the East?
Problem 4, Interplanetary Shock Wave
Problem 5, Calculating Star Distances
Problem 6, A Sine of the Times
Problem 7, Counting the Stars in the Sky
Problem 8, Measuring Speed in the Universe
Problem 9, Applications of Scientific Notation
Problem 10, Exploring a Galaxy: NGC-1232
Problem 11, The Speed of Galaxy Q2125-431
Problem 12, Star clusters up close
Problem 13, A Glimpse of the Most Distant Galaxy
Problem 14, Solar Surface Details
Problem 15, A Galaxy Up Close
Problem 16, Asteroids Between Mars and the Sun
Problem 17, Exploring the Dwarf Planet Eris
Problem 18, Searching for Company in the Universe
Problem 19, Counting the Stars in Draco
Problem 20, Astronomy in the round
Problem 21, Star Light ... Star Bright ...
Problem 22, A Bit of Satellite Math
Problem 23, Theories, Hypothesis, Laws, Facts & Beliefs
Problem 24, Solar Storms in the News
Additional Resources
Source: NASA

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Theories of Imaging Electrons in Nanostructures.

HUANG, JIAN, BS (Jilin University, P.R.China)1998.


Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Van der Graaf Experiment

A physics lab demo of the Van der Graaf Generator.