Audience: Educators & Students
Grades: 3-5
This lesson will help your students answer the question:
Can I design and build a Crew Exploration Vehicle that will be a model for future space exploration?
In this lesson, students will
-- Design a model CEV for future space exploration.
-- Develop a conclusion based upon the results of this design.
-- Compare individual results to class results by looking for patterns.
Designing a Crew Exploration Vehicle Activity
> For educators [666KB PDF file]
> en español
> For students [136KB PDF file]
> en español
The Designing a Crew Exploration Vehicle Activity is the lesson that accompanies What Will Replace the Space Shuttle?, one of the topics in the 21st Century Explorer series.
All components are available on the 21st Century Explorer Web site →.
Also in this series:
Those Who Have Come Before Me Activity
Food For Spaceflight Activity
Get a Leg Up Activity
Speed It Up Activity
What's Hidden Inside Activity
Moon Mining Activity
Let's Investigate Mars Activity
Cleaning Water Activity
Making Regolith Activity
Ray Shielding Activity
Cool Suits Activity
NASA for Educator