"To reach for new heights and reveal the unknown so that what we do and learn will benefit all humankind"
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (didirikan 1958) adalah agensi pemerintah Amerika Serikat yang bertanggung jawab atas program angkasa AS dan riset aerospace umum jangka panjang. Dia merupakan organisasi masyarakat yang melakukan riset bagi sistem ruang angkasa masyarakat dan militer.
Seorang Ilmuwan dari NASA sedang Menjelaskan Science and Technology Sederhana untuk Para Guru.
Kerjasama LAPAN dan NASA, di Indonesia
Allhamdulilah penulis mendapatkan beberapa e-buku dari NASA semoga bermanfaat.
Unduh beberapa e-buku dari NASA:
"Toward a History of the Space Shuttle, Part 2"
This publication documents lists key articles, books, and hearings published on the Shuttle from 1992–2011.
"Pursuit of Power"
This publication documents the Propulsion Systems Laboratory No. 1 and 2 and the Altitude Wind Tunnel prior to their demolition.
"Celebrating 30 Years of the Space Shuttle program"
This book is a tribute to everything accomplished during the Shuttle program’s 30 years of operation.
"Rockets and People, Volume 1"
Academician Boris Chertok's first-hand accounts of the men and women who were behind the Russian accomplishments in exploring space.
"Rockets and People, Volume 2: Creating a Rocket Industry"
Volume two of Boris Chertok's accounts of the people who were behind the Russian accomplishments in exploring space.
"Rockets and People, Volume 3: Hot Days of the Cold War"
Boris Chertok continues his fascinating narrative on the early history of the Soviet space program, from 1961 to 1967.
"Rockets and People, Volume 4: The Moon Race"
In the last volume of this series, the Russian spacecraft designer Boris Chertok continues his narrative on the history of the Soviet space program.
"When Biospheres Collide"
The history of planetary protection is presented by tracing the responses to interplanetary concerns on NASA's missions.
"Psychology of Space Exploration"
Explore some of the contributions of psychology to the great space race, orbiter and International Space Station missions, and future space journeys.
"Cosmos & Culture: Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context"
Integrating concepts from philosophical, anthropological, and astrobiological disciplines, Cosmos and Culture begins to explore the interdisciplinary questions of cosmic evolution.
"NASA 50th Anniversary Proceedings"
In this volume, a wide array of scholars turn a critical eye toward NASA’s first 50 years.
"Unmanned Space Project Management: Surveyor and Lunar Orbiter"
NASA commissioned a study of the management of the Surveyor and Lunar Orbiter projects.
"X-15 Research Results"
This semi-technical summary of the X–15 program is directed toward the less publicized aspects of its achievements.
Antariksawan (lazim disebut astronot) adalah sebutan bagi orang yang telah menjalani latihan dalam program penerbangan antariksa manusia untuk memimpin, menerbangkan pesawat, atau menjadi awak pesawat antariksa. Istilah "astronot" juga kadang digunakan untuk merujuk secara spesifik kepada antariksawan yang berasal dari Amerika Serikat atau negara sahabat, berbeda dengan seorang kosmonot yang berasal dari Uni Soviet/Rusia. Kosmonot pertama adalah Yuri Gagarin. Semenjak tahun 2003 dikenal pula istilah taikonot (meski bukan istilah resmi pemerintah Tiongkok), antariksawan dari Tiongkok. Taikonot pertama adalah Yang Liwei.
Antariksawan-antariksawan pertama, baik di AS maupun Uni Soviet,
biasanya merupakan pilot pesawat tempur umumnya pilot-pilot penguji
dengan latar belakang militer. Antariksawan militer biasanya menerima
tanda kualifikasi khusus, dikenal di AS dengan nama Astronaut Badge setelah menyelesaikan latihan dan mengikuti penerbangan ke luar angkasa.
Lebih dari 32 negara sudah pernah mengirimkan antariksawannya ke luar
angkasa. Hingga kini, sembilan belas antariksawan telah
tewas dalam misi perjalanannya, dan setidaknya sepuluh antariksawan
telah meninggal dalam kecelakaan latihan di darat.
Sebuah Lagu dari D'Masiv, menggambarkan bahwa di masa depan ada seorang astronot dari Indonesia.
Lagu dan Video Klip yang menginspirasi.
Badan Antariksa Nasional Menyatakan Bahwa
Estelle Linden
Pergilah kasih
Kejarlah keinginanmu
Selagi masih ada waktu
Jangan hiraukan diriku
Aku rela berpisah demi untuk dirimu
Smoga tercapai sgala keinginanmu
Lihat Juga:
- Aerospace Education Services Project
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- Astrotech Corporation
- Buran, Soviet space shuttle
- Department of Defense Manned Space Flight Support Office
- Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP Federation)
- List of aerospace engineering topics
- List of NASA aircraft
- List of NASA missions
- List of rockets used by NASA
- NASA Acquisition Internet Service
- NASA Advanced Space Transportation Program
- NASA awards and decorations
- NASAcast
- NASA insignia
- NASA RealWorld-InWorld Engineering Design Challenge
- NASA Research Park
- NASA spin-off
- Project A119
- Review of United States Human Space Flight Plans Committee
- Robotic spacecraft
- Saturn (rocket family)
- Scientific research on the ISS
- Small Explorer program
- Space debris
- Spacelab
- Space policy of the Barack Obama administration
- Space probe
- Space race
- Starlite, a MMO game by NASA
- Timeline of Solar System exploration
- Unmanned spacecraft
- Vision for Space Exploration
Ucapan Terima Kasih:
Kepada seluruh masyarakat Indonesia yang mendambakan akan kemajuan bangsa dalam penguasaan Iptek Antariksa
Kunjungi Sekolah Kami:
Indonesian University Space Research Association
1. http://asosiasiuniversitasrisetantariksa.blogspot.com/
Indonesian Space Science & Technology School
2. http://sekolahiptekkeluarangkasaan.blogspot.com/