Saturday, 25 May 2013

Mendesain Pabrik Uranium

Nuclear Fuel Fabrication

Fuel fabrication is the final stage in nuclear fuel preparation prior to use in a reactor.

Nuclear fuel assemblies are specifically designed for particular types of reactors and are made to exacting standards.

Utilities and fabricators have collaborated to greatly improve fuel assembly performance.



Telah dilakukan evaluasi kelayakan investasi pendirian pabrik yellow cake dari uranium hasil samping pabrik asam fosfat pada tahap basic desain kapasitas 66,182 ton U3O8/tahun. 

Dari parameter seleksi yang telah dihitung dengan menggunakan program profitabilit as analysis xls 1.1 disimpulkan bahwa: periode pengembalian modal 3,76 th; pengembalian atas investasi ( ROI) = 18,9 %; rentabilitas usaha pada harga keekonomian US 205/kg U 3O8 cukup baik, dan menghasilkan laba mulai tahun ketiga ( Th 2022) sebesar US $ 2.693.400 dan akumulasi keuntungan selama 20 tahun adalah US $145.069.10; nilai netto sekarang (NPV) pada capital cost 15% menunjukkan harga positif yaitu sebesar US$ 1.260.700; arus pengembalian internal (IRR) sebesar 15,58 % ; nilai indeks profitabilitas > 1 yaitu sebesar 1,288 yang mengindikasikan pabrik masih menarik untuk dibangun; benefit cost ratio (BCR) bernilai >1 yaitu 1,618 yang menunjukkan bahwa pabrik akan memberikan manfaat dan layak untuk dibangun.

Selain itu untuk mendirikan pabrik yellow cake dari uranium hasil samping pabrik asam fosfat diperlukan total biaya investasi permanen sebesar US $ 32.035.000,-, modal kerja sebesar US $ 2.052.700,- serta biaya produksi sebesar US $ 7.463.993/tahun.

Kata kunci: 

Pabrik yellow cake, pengembalian atas investasi, nilai netto sekarang, arus pengembalian internal, U3O8 


Dr. Bambang G. Susanto, M.Sc., MBA.
Pusat Rekayasa Perangkat Nuklir (PRPN)-BATAN Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Serpong.

World Nuclear Association

AMDR: Air & Missile Defense Radar

Northrop Grumman: Air & Missile Defense Radar

A next generation radar system planned for the Navy's Future Surface Combatant, AMDR is designed as a scalable, multi-mission radar system. AMDR comprises an X-band and an S-band radar along with a radar suite controller and is intended to provide unprecedented situational awareness to easily detect, track and engage ballistic missiles in high clutter environments. 

Northrop Grumman's Air & Missile Defense Radar evolved from the combined technologies of our large-scale AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) and the U.S. Marine Corps’ AN/TPS-80 G/ATOR (Ground/Air Task-Oriented Radar) program to become the industry's lowest-risk, lowest-cost AMDR solution.

The AMDR system consists of two primary radars and a radar suite controller (RSC) to coordinate the sensors. An S-band radar is to provide volume search, tracking, ballistic missile defense discrimination and missile communications while the X-band radar is to provide horizon search, precision tracking, missile communication and terminal illumination of targets. The S-band and X-band sensors will also share functionality including radar navigation, periscope detection, as well as missile guidance and communication.
