Saturday, 7 March 2009

Astrophysics School for Children

Astrophysics School for Children
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Pengenalan Alat-alat Sederhana Astro Fisika, bekerjasama dengan Cakrawala
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Naked Sciences

Menjadi Ahli

Saya sangat meyakini bahwa untuk tampil sebagai pemenang di era persaingan ini, Anda harus menjadi seorang ahli di bidang yang Anda geluti. Kebenaran ini berlaku untuk individu , Sekolah, Universitas maupun perusahaan! Karena itu, berusahalah sungguh-sungguh untuk mengenali potensi dan bakat terbaik Anda.

Kenali pekerjaan, profesi atau bidang usaha yang Anda senangi. Kemudian, bila hal-hal yang diperlukan sudah siap, ambil langkah pertama. Pada mulanya tidak akan mudah, namun bila Anda tekun dan sabar, dalam tahun yang ketiga Anda akan mulai memanen hasil jerih payah Anda.

Angkasa Magazine Online - Majalah Kedirgantaraan

Salam Angkasa,
Diantara sekian puluh majalah terbitan dalam negeri, percaya atau tidak Angkasa adalah yang tertua. Angkasa diterbitkan pertama kali oleh Dinas Penerangan TNI AU pada Mei 1950. Presiden Soekarno bahkan berkenan memberikan kata pengantar untuk edisi pertama. Presiden antara lain berpesan: "Tanah Air kita bersifat kepulauan. Dan letaknya pun amat penting sekali dalam hubungan internasional! Saya harap tiap-tiap orang Indonesia menginsafi pentingnya penerbangan bagi bangsa kita itu. Dengan gembira saya sambut terbitnya majalah Angkasa ini."


PT Dirgantara Indonesia/Indonesian Aerospace (IAe) is one of the indigenous aerospace company in Asia with core competence in aircraft design, development and manufacturing of civilian and military regional commuter aircraft.
Since being established in 1976, the company has successfully exploited its ability as industry of manufacture and have diversified its product not only in the field of aircraft but also other area such as Information Technology, Automotive, Maritime, Simulation Technology, Industrial Turbine, and Engineering Services.
In production line, Dirgantara Indonesia has delivered more than 300 units of aircraft & helicopters, defence system, aircraft components and other services. Through the implementation of restructuring program in the beginning of 2004, Dirgantara Indonesia now is supported by 3.720 employees formerly 9.670; while the 18 business units, become:

  • Aircraft (Airplane & Helicopter)

  • Aircraft Services (Maintenance, Overhaul, Repair and Alteration)

  • Aerostructure (Parts & Components, Sub Assemblies, Assemblies Tools & Equipment).

  • Engineering Services (Communication Technology, Simulator Technology, Information Technology Solution, Design Center)

    Hopefully, this aircraft industry will become an efficient and adaptable business institution. Dirgantara Indonesia cover an area of 86,98 hectares of building. The production activities of the company are sustained by 232 units of various machinery and equipment. Apart from this, there are some other equipment spread over in various assembly lines, laboratories, and service & maintenance units.

    To be the world class aerospace company based on high technology mastery and cost competitiveness in the global market

    • Conduct business activities with the orientation on producing competitive cost products and services.

    • As the Center of Competency in Aerospace Industry especially in engineering, design, manufacturing, production, and maintenance for both commercial and military mission aircrafts.

    • As a major player in the global industries which has strategic alliance with other world class Aerospace Industries.

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