Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Earth & Space Science Digital Laboratory


Untuk Menciptakan Kemajuan dalam Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi Kebumian dan Antariksa demi Keselamatan serta Kesejahteraan Umat Manusia


1. Inovasi dalam IPTEK Laboratorium Digital Kebumian dan Keantariksaan

2. Penelitian dalam IPTEK Laboratorium Digital Kebumian dan Keantariksaan

3. Pengembangan dalam IPTEK Laboratorium Digital Kebumian dan Keantariksaan

4. Pendidikan dalam IPTEK Laboratorium Digital Kebumian dan Keantariksaan


1. Pembelajaran Teknik Geologi

2. Pembelajaran Geografi dan Lingkungan

3. Pembelajaran Fisika Antariksa


1. Sumber: Wikipedia oleh Ade Akhyar
Geomorfologi adalah ilmu yang mendeskripsikan, mendefinisikan, serta menjabarkan bentuk lahan dan proses-proses yang mengakibatkan terbentuknya lahan tersebut, serta mencari hubungan antara proses-proses dalam susunan keruangan (Van Zuidam, 1977).

Berdasarkan sedikit penjelasan di atas, perlu ketahui uraian yang lebih detail lagi beberapa hal yang sangat perlu kita ketahui dalam mempelajari geomorfologi, diantaranya:

2. The complexity of the Earth system, in which spatial and temporal variability exists on a range of scales, requires that an organized scientific approach be developed for addressing the complex, interdisciplinary problems that exist, taking good care that in doing so there is a recognition of the objective to integrate science across the programmatic elements towards a comprehensive understanding of the Earth system. In the Earth system, these elements may be built around aspects of the Earth that emphasize the particular attributes that make it stand out among known planetary bodies.

These include the presence of carbon-based life; water in multiple, interacting phases; a fluid atmosphere and ocean that redistribute heat over the planetary surface; an oxidizing and protective atmosphere, albeit one subject to a wide range of fluctuations in its physical properties (especially temperature, moisture, and winds); a solid but dynamically active surface that makes up a significant fraction of the planet’s surface; and an external environment driven by a large and varying star whose magnetic field also serves to shield the Earth from the broader astronomical environment. 

  • Atmospheric Composition is focused on the composition of Earth's atmosphere in relation to climate prediction, solar effects, ground emissions and time.
  • Our weather system includes the dynamics of the atmosphere and its interaction with the oceans and land. The improvement of our understanding of weather processes and phenomena is crucial in gaining an understanding of the Earth system.
c.Climate Variability & Change
  • NASA's role in climate variability study is centered around providing the global scale observational data sets on oceans and ice, their forcings, and the interactions with the entire Earth system.

d.Water & Energy Cycles
  • Through water and energy cycle research we can improve hurricane prediction, quantify tropical rainfall and eventually begin to balance the water budget at global and regional scales.

 e.Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems
  • This Focus Area deals with the cycling of carbon in reservoirs and ecosystems as it changes naturally, is changed by humans, and is affected by climate change.
 f.Earth Surface & Interior
  • The goal of the Earth Surface and Interior focus area is to assess, mitigate and forecast the natural hazards that affect society, including earthquakes, landslides, coastal and interior erosion, floods and volcanic eruptions.

Geophysics at Harvard

Founder by:

1. Ade Akhyar Nurdin
The Last Geolog in the World

2. Arip Nurahman

3. Ridwan Firdaus

Thanks To:

3. Earth - NASA Science

Powered by:

1. Museum Geologi Bandung

2. Laboratorium Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa, Pendidikan Fisika. FPMIPA. UPI Bandung

3. Departemen Teknik Geologi UNSOED

4. Departemen Pendidikan Geografi Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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