Monday, 18 April 2011

Laboratorium Astrofisika

 My friends

"(Hud berkata) Sesungguhnya aku bertawakal kepada ALLAH Tuhan-ku dan Tuhan-mu. Tidak satu pun makhluk bergerak (bernyawa) melainkan Dia-lah yang Memegang ubun-ubunnya (menguasainya). Sungguh, Tuhan-ku di jalan yang lurus (adil)" 
(Surah Hud :56)

Astrophysics Laboratory


Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

Laboratory and Astronomical Observations of the CN Radical at Millimeter Wavelengths
Instructor: Carl Gottlieb

The project will entail observation of the fundamental rotational transition of the CN radical at 113 GHz in a low pressure glow discharge with a sensitive laboratory millimeter-wave spectrometer located in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (Pierce Hall, 29 Oxford St.) and toward the Orion nebula with the 1.2 meter millimeter-wave telescope on the roof of building D at the CfA. Accurate rest frequencies, required for the astronomical phase of the project, will be measured in the laboratory. The abundance and radial velocity derived from the astronomical spectrum of CN will be compared with those of other molecules in the Orion molecular cloud. The project provides a good introduction to the physics and chemistry of gas discharges, liquid helium cooled detectors, vacuum and gas handling techniques, computer controlled data acquisition, millimeter-wave astronomy, and the physics and chemistry of interstellar molecular clouds.

Laboratory Astrophysics
Science is successful because the physical laws we discover on Earth work everywhere and every when. We use laboratory experiments to expand our understanding of physical processes and then apply these results to the processes throughout the Universe. In some cases laboratory experiments can reproduce similar physics. For example, highly charged plasmas can be created in the laboratory to study the collisions between electrons and ions that occur in the hot solar corona. In other cases, such as in the extreme environments of black holes, we cannot reproduce the conditions. However, even in those cases, the pattern of observed spectral signatures allows us to identify the species and determine some of the physical conditions and processes. Spectral features observed in the solar corona are also observed from black hole sources.  

Useful Link

"Segala sesuatu ditampung dalam waktu, maka pengertian yang baik tentang peran waktu bagi kehidupanmu disebut kesabaran. Kesabaran adalah pengertian baik yang menghubungkan penggal penggal waktu dalam hidupmu itu sebabnya setiap orang sesungguhnya sedang menunggu. 
 Yang pemberani ataupun penakut semuanya sedang menunggu."
~Mario Teguh~

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