Monday, 1 October 2012

Conference on Theoretical Physics and Non Linear Phenomena

~Symmetry, Geometry, and Physics~

Theoretical physics is the first step for the development of science and technology. Since more than 100 years ago it has delivered new and sophisticated discoveries which have changed human view on their surroundings and universe. Theoretical physics has also revealed that the governing law in our universe is not deterministic, and it is undoubtedly the foundation of our modern civilization.
Contrary to its importance, research in theoretical physics has not well developed in some developing countries such as Indonesia. This workshop and conference provides the formal meeting in Indonesia devoted to the field of theoretical physics and is organized to cover all subjects of theoretical physics as well as nonlinear phenomena in order to create a gathering place for the theorists in Indonesia and surrounding countries, to motivate young physicists to keep doing active researches in the field and to encourage constructive communication among the community members.
Following the success of the eight previous meetings in this conference series, the ninth conference  held again in UGM Yogyakarta, Indonesia this year. The conference is also held in conjunction with the 2nd Particle Physics School in South-East Asia 2012 supported by KEK on September 16th-22nd, 2012 at the nearby Gadjah Mada University Club.

Penulis dan Ilmuwan Muda di The 2nd Particle Physics School in South - East Asia

The conference is expected to provide distinguished experts and students from various research fields of theoretical physics and nonlinear phenomena in Indonesia as well as from other continents the opportunities to present their works and to enhance contacts among them.
- Astrophysics
- Biophysics
- Cosmology
- Condensed Matter Physics
- High Energy Physics
- Computational Physics
- Mathematical Physics
- Non-linear Physics
- Nuclear Physics

Invited Speakers
The Scientific Program of CTPNP 2012 will include plenary talks given by the following invited speakers:
  • Satoshi Iso (KEK, JAPAN) : Implication of 126 GeV Higgs for Planck scale physics
  • Takeo Higuchi (KEK, JAPAN) : New Physics Search at SuperKEKB
  • Arief Hermanto (UGM): The Philosophical Analysis of The Structure of Theoretical Physics
  • Wispar Sunu Brams Dwandaru (UNY) Non Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
  • Husin Alatas (IPB) Bifurcation of Fluxon at 0-Phi Crossover in Superconductor/Ferromagnet/Superconductor Josephson Junction with External Current

It is also planned that in each of the parallel sessions there will be a lead talk given by the young scientists.


Researchers and students of theoretical physics and nonlinear phenomena from Indonesia as well as from other parts of the world are kindly invited to participate in this conference.

Scientific Program

  • invited plenary talks
  • selected parallel talks
  • poster presentations

Penulis dan Ilmuwan Muda bersama para Begawan Fisika Tanah Air.

Dari Kiri ke Kanan:
Mr. Iqbal Robiyana, S.Pd.,
(Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia dan Guru di Darul Qur'an International School )
Dr. rer. nat. Muhammad Farchani Rosyid, M.Sc.
(Doctor of Physics, Technical University of Clausthal, Germany)
Mr. Wispar Sunu Brams Dwandaru, M.Sc., Ph.D.,
(Doctor of Science from University of Bristol, UK.)
Mr. Mirza Satriawan, M.Sc., Ph.D.
(Doctor in Theoretical Physics, University of Illinois at Chicago. USA.)

Prominent theoretical physicists

Famous theoretical physicists include:
Mainstream theories (sometimes referred to as central theories) are the body of knowledge of both factual and scientific views and possess a usual scientific quality of the tests of repeatability, consistency with existing well-established science and experimentation. There do exist mainstream theories that are generally accepted theories based solely upon their effects explaining a wide variety of data, although the detection, explanation and possible composition are subjects of debate.


Proposed theories

The proposed theories of physics are usually relatively new theories which deal with the study of physics which include scientific approaches, means for determining the validity of models and new types of reasoning used to arrive at the theory. However, some proposed theories include theories that have been around for decades and have eluded methods of discovery and testing. Proposed theories can include fringe theories in the process of becoming established (and, sometimes, gaining wider acceptance). Proposed theories usually have not been tested.


Philosophical Analysis of Theoretical Physics

"Pemahaman Filosofi Bisa Membebaskan Ilmuwan dari Berbagai Praduga yang Membelenggu sehingga dia tidak hanya sekedar menjadi spesialis melainkan benar-benar menjadi seorang pencari kebenaran" 
~Alm. Prof. Einstein~
Diadaptasi dari karya Prof. Arief Hermanto, M.Sc., Ph.D., Department of Physics, FMIPA. UGM 
Pernyataan dan sikap fisikawan terkenal kadang (atau mungkin bahkan sering) tidak begitu bersahabat terhadap filosofi, seperti misalnya Prof. Steven Weinberg yang menyatakan bahwa kegunaan filosofi bagi fisikawan hanyalah sekedar untuk melindunginya dari prekonsepsi filosof lain atau maksimal hanya sebagai pulasan pemanis bagi sejarah dan penemuan sains. 
"The insight of philosophers have occasionally benefited physicists, but generally in a negative fashion- by protecting them from the preconceptions of other philosophers..Philosophy of science at its best seems to me a pleasing gloss on the history and discoveries of science." (Weinberg, 1994)
Akan tetapi sebaliknya para filosof juga tak kalah kerasnya dalam menanggapi sikap fisikawan yg seperti ini, misalnya filosof Biologi Daniel Dennett yang menyatakan bahwa semua sains pasti mengandung filosofi yang sering tidak disadari oleh para saintis. 
"There is no such thing as philosophy-free science: there is only science whose philosophical baggage is taken on board without examination. (Dennett, 1996)
Pertentangan seperti di atas tentu saja tak akan bermanfaat bagi semua pihak. Di dalam era kita sekarang ini, di mana hanya KERJA SAMA DARI SEMUA PIHAK akan dapat menelurkan hasil yang besar.
Seperti misalnya yang dinyatakan dalam komentar Prof. Rolf Heuer, Direktur Jendral CERN terhadap penemuan partikel Higgs baru-baru ini. 
"Maka sikap yang terbaik bagi kita sebagai fisikawan adalah menghargai khasanah karya keilmuwan para filosof. Kita bisa mempelajarinya dan mengambil bagian mana saja dari karya itu yang bermanfaat bagi fisika.
Bahkan lebih luas luas dari hanya filosofi, fisikawan bisa menimba ilmu dari perbendaharaan ilmu-ilmu humanoria untuk membantu menyelesaikan berbagai masalah dalam fisika, misalnya dalam hal pendidikan fisika."

Penulis dan Ilmuwan Muda Bersama Prof. Satoshi Iso, Ph.D. Ilmuwan dari KEK (Laboratorium Fisika Partikel) dan Alumni University of Tokyo. 
Bidang keahlian Profesor yang satu ini adalah:
String Theory and Quantum Field Theory
Semoga pinter dan cerdasnya menular kepada penulis dan yang membacanya Amin.
Ya Allah ya Rabbal Alamin.

Conference on Theoretical Physics and Non Linear Phenomena. 
Kota Pelajar dan Budaya.
Ucapan Terima Kasih Kepada:
Sahabat-sahabat Seneby dan Keluarga Forsalim serta kawan-kawan di Jama'ah Salahuddin Masjid Kamus UGM yang sangat ramah serta menyenangkan, mohon maaf telah merepotkan. 
Semoga Allah SWT memberikan yang terbaik bagi kita semuanya.
at The Train of Thought
Terima Kasih. 

Kunjungi Juga:
(Indonesian Theoretical Physicist Group)
(Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena 2013, 22 - 29 June 2013, Gallipoli. Italy)

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