Saturday, 23 March 2013

Membangun Indonesian Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

Bagaimana kalau kita membangun dan mengembangkan sebuah lembaga Edukasi, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertahanan Tingkat Lanjut?

Bangsa kita bukanlah bangsa penjajah, dan gemar peperangan.

Bukan Para Imperialis yang senang menjajah dan menginjak-nginjak harga diri bangsa lain.

Sampai kapan-pun kita tak akan memulai peperangan.

Namun demikian jika ada pihak-pihak asing yang ingin mempermainkan, menjajah, menghancurkan, memulai peperangan dan menghinakan bangsa ini, maka kami tak akan segan untuk melabrak, menghabisi dan menghancurkannya sampai tak berbekas.

 "Seorang Anak Indonesia Mempunyai Cita-Cita Menjadi Pejuang Tanah Air"

Beberapa Divisi yang akan dikembangkan:

The Adaptive Execution Office (AEO): is Indonesia Defense Advanced Research Project Agency offices holds thrust areas include technology transition, assessment, rapid productivity and adaptive systems.

The Defense Sciences Office (DSO): vigorously pursues the most promising technologies within a broad spectrum of the science and engineering research communities and develops those technologies into important, radically new military capabilities.

The Information Innovation Office (I2O): aims to ensure Indonesia technological superiority in all areas where information can provide a decisive military advantage.

The Microsystems Technology Office (MTO): mission focuses on the heterogeneous microchip-scale integration of electronics, photonics, and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).

Their high risk/high payoff technology is aimed at solving the national level problems of protection from biological, chemical and information attack and to provide operational dominance for mobile distributed command and control, combined manned/unmanned warfare, and dynamic, adaptive military planning and execution.

The Strategic Technology Office (STO): mission is to focus on technologies that have a global theater-wide impact and that involve multiple Services.

The Tactical Technology Office (TTO): engages in high-risk, high-payoff advanced military research, emphasizing the "system" and "subsystem" approach to the development of aeronautic, space, and land systems as well as embedded processors and control systems.

This research includes an effort within the TTO to develop a small satellite launch vehicle. This vehicle is under development by Air Launch LLC.

This is part of the Force Application and Launch from Continental Indonesia effort.

Strategi Pengembangan Divisi:

Beberapa divisi tersebut dapat dikembangkan dengan berbagai langkah dan cara, salah satunya melalui kerjasama dengan berbagai Universitas dan Perguruan Tinggi di Tanah Air. Melakukan penelitian dengan pihak-pihak pertahanan negara lain.

"Robek-robeklah badanku, potong-potonglah jasad ini, tetapi jiwaku dilindungi benteng merah putih, akan tetap hidup, tetap menuntut bela, siapapun lawan yang aku hadapi." 
~Almarhum Jendral Besar Panglima Soedirman~

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