Sunday, 24 March 2013

Resep Membuat Sebuah Kapal Terbang

"Bahwa bangsa Indonesia memiliki kemampuan dan kualitas yang sama dalam penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (Iptek) secanggih apapun yang sekaligus dilengkapi dengan kokohnya iman dan taqwa (Imtaq). Peningkatan jumlah dan kualitas manusia Indonesia yang terdidik juga melahirkan kesadaran akan peran dan tanggung jawab mereka dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, khususnya di kalangan generasi muda."
 ~Prof. B. J. Habibie~

Aerospace Engineering Degrees

Aerospace engineering may be studied at the advanced diploma, bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. levels in aerospace engineering departments at many universities, and in mechanical engineering departments at others. A few departments offer degrees in space-focused astronautical engineering. The Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands offers one of the top European aerospace educational and research platforms, while the programs of the Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rutgers University, and University of Southern California are examples of American schools.

In 2009, U.S. News & World Report ranked the undergraduate aerospace engineering programs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of Michigan as the top three best programs at doctorate granting universities in the United States. The other programs in the top ten were Purdue University, California Institute of Technology, University of Maryland, University of Illinois, Stanford University, University of Texas at Austin, and Virginia Tech in that order.
The magazine also rates Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the United States Air Force Academy, and the United States Naval Academy as the premier aerospace engineering programs at universities that do not grant doctorate degrees. University of Kansas School of Engineering has earned more first and second place AIAA awards than any other academic institution in the world in the 42-year history of the competition.  Wichita State University is renowned for its Aerospace Engineering program and also has the third highest research budget for Aerospace Engineering in the United States.

In Canada, undergraduate degrees in aerospace (or aeronautical) engineering can be earned at Carleton University, École Polytechnique de Montréal, École de Technologie Supérieure, the Royal Military College of Canada and Ryerson University. Undergraduate aerospace engineering options, or related programs, are available through Concordia University, McGill University, the University of Manitoba and the University of Toronto. The Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board is responsible for accrediting undergraduate aerospace engineering programs, graduate study in aerospace engineering is also available at several Canadian post-secondary institutions, though Canadian post-graduate engineering programs do not require accreditation.

In the UK, Aerospace (or aeronautical) engineering can be studied at the B.Eng., M.Eng., MSc. and Ph.D. levels at a number of universities. The first institution in the UK to teach in this field was Queen Mary, University of London, which, with the dissolution of the University of Paris (whose chair was founded at around the same time), maintains the longest continuous experience of doing so in the world. 

The The Times' top 10 universities are University of Cambridge, University of Surrey, University of Bristol, University of Southampton, Queens University Belfast, University of Sheffield, Newcastle University, University of Bath, Imperial College London, Loughborough University and University of Nottingham for 2010. The Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London is noted for providing engineers for the Formula One industry, an industry that uses aerospace technology.

Aerospace can be studied at University of Limerick in Ireland. In Australia, the RMIT University offers Aerospace (or aeronautical) engineering and has more than 60 years teaching experience in this profession. Monash University, University of New South Wales, University of Sydney, University of Queensland, University of Adelaide and Queensland University of Technology also offers Aerospace Engineering.

Seorang Anak dan kakek-nya berada di Kompleks PT. Dirgantara Indonesia.
  Dia bercita-cita ingin menjadi Pembuat Pesawat dan seorang Pilot.

European universities that are renowned for their teaching and expertise in aerospace engineering include TU Delft in the Netherlands, ISAE, ENAC, IPSA and ESTACA in France, RWTH Aachen, TU München, the University of Stuttgart, TU Dresden, TU Berlin and TU Braunschweig as well as Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and the Munich University of Applied Science in Germany, and the Centre for Structure Technologies at ETH Zurich in Switzerland. In Austria the FH Joanneum and the of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt.

In Portugal at the Universidade da Beira Interior and the Instituto Superior Técnico. In Spain the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the Universidad de León, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia and University of Seville offer the degree, while in Italy there also several universities where aerospace engineering can be studied including the Politecnico di Torino, the Politecnico di Milano, the University of Bologna, the University of Pisa, the University of Napoli, the University of Padua and the Sapienza University of Rome

Curriculum of Aerospace Engineering from Technical University of Munich


Major fields of study

Core modules:
  • Aerodynamics
  • Flight Performance and Dynamics
  • Structures and Materials
  • Propulsion
  • Advanced Mathematics
Three focus areas will be offered:

Aerodynamics and Propulsion, 
Structures, Materials and Systems, and 
Flight Mechanics and Control:

Focus Area 1: Aerodynamics and Propulsion
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Turbulent Flows
  • Boundary Layer Theory
  • Turbo Compressors
Focus Area 2: Structures, Materials and Systems
  • Plate and Shell Structures
  • Fracture Mechanics and Non-destructive testing
  • Carbon Fibre Composite Materials
  • Aerosystems
  • Lightweight and Aerospace Structures
Focus Area 3: Flight Mechanics and Control
  • Advanced Flight Dynamics
  • Flight Control Systems
  • Advanced Control of Flight Systems
  • Spacecraft Technology

Ibu Ainun dan Bapak Habibie Serta Para Cucu

Masih ingat dengan nama Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie, dia adalah mantan Menteri Riset dan Teknologi dan juga Presiden RI ke-3.  Di kancah industri penerbangan nasional, manusia Indonesia paling jenius dan cerdas ini pada zaman pemerintah Orde Baru sukses membuat mata dunia terbelalak dengan mengangkasanya N-250 di langit Indonesia.

Kini, ditangan putra sulungnya, Ilham Akbar Habibie diharapkan industri dirgantara nasional mengepak lagi seperti masa jayanya pada 1995 silam. Ilham diharapkan mampu menjadi penerus dari cita-cita sang ayah, yang juga memiliki kesamaan, yakni penyuka teknologi pesawat terbang.

Di bawah komando Ilham Akbar Habibie, yang merupakan buah cinta dari Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie dan Hasri Ainun, Grup Ilthabi Rekatama dan Regio Prop. yang berdiri sejak tahun 1991 kian menunjukkan tajinya di pentas bisnis nasional.

Lalu, bagaimana sebenarnya hubungan keduanya di luar pekerjaan?

Ilham pun tampak malu-malu menceritakan kehidupan pribadinya dan hubungannya dengan sang ayah.

Di mata Ilham, BJ Habibie adalah sosok orang tua, guru dan rekan kerja yang mengasyikan, kebapakan, jenius, santun, berwibawa, tegas, ulet, pekerja keras dan juga humoris.

Terima Kasih Kepada: 

Bapak. Dr. Ing. Ilham Akbar Habibie, M.B.A.

CEO dan Direktur Ilthabi Rekatama

Lulus dari:

1. Technical University of Munich, Germany Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sub-Faculty Aeronautical Engineering;
2. Graduated as Diploma – Ingenieur (Technical University of Munich, Germany) with Cum Laude;
3. Graduated as Doktor – Ingenieur (Technical University of Munich, Germany) with Summa Cum Laude;
4. International Executive Program, INSEAD, Fontainbleau, France, and Singapore;
5. Executive MBA Program, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, Singapore Campus.
6. Graduated as MBA (Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago).

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