Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Master dalam Bidang Space Science Engineering

Apa itu Teknik Dirgantara dan Ke-Antariksaan? 

 "Terbanglah-terbang wahai semangat, tembuslah langit kesulitan, raihlah asa dan cita kita bersama"

Semua itu berawal dari Keinginan manusia untuk terbang menjelajahi atmosfer dan lingkungan di luar atmosfer, banyak cara yang dapat dilakukan manusia untuk terbang, ada yang menggunakan sayap, ada yang menggunakan roket, intinya adalah menghasilkan gaya yang dapat melawan gravitasi, penerbangan inner atmosphere memanfaatkan udara untuk dapat menghasilkan gaya-gaya fluida baik aerostatik maupun aerodynamik, sedangkan penerbangan outer atmosphere menggunakan tenaga yang dihasilkan oleh roket. 

The program was developed jointly by Aerospace Engineering; Atmospheric, Oceanic & Space Sciences; and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 

Program Objectives:

* To provide a comprehensive knowledge of space science and engineering and their interrelationship. 
* To increase depth beyond the baccalaureate level in a space-related discipline. 
* To teach the systems approach to conceiving, designing, manufacturing, managing, and operating complex space systems. 
* To provide practical experience in space system design, project development and management. 

Program Concentrations While your specific concentration curriculum will be decided through discussion with your program advisors, suggested programs have been developed. 

Suggested programs exist for the following concentrations: 

* Space Science 

* Propulsion 

* Plasma Electrodynamics & Sensors Instrumentation & Sensor Payloads 

* Launch Vehicles 

* Telemetry & Spacecraft Communication 

* Astrodynamics 

* Computer Control & Data Handling

 * Program Administration 

Aerospace Engineering Graduates Demonstrate: 

* An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

* An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data

* An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs

* An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams

* An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

* An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

* An ability to communicate effectively

* The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.

* A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

* A knowledge of contemporary issues.

* An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

* A knowledge of aerodynamics, aerospace materials, structures, propulsion, flight mechanics, orbital mechanics, software, and stability and control.

* Competence in the integration of aerospace science and engineering topics and their application in aerospace vehicle design.

Kunjungi Juga: 

Open.Michigan is a University of Michigan initiative that enables faculty, students, and others to share their educational resources and research with the global learning community.

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Sumber: [MIT Aeronautics & Astronautics]

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