Sunday, 5 May 2013

Some of the Elements of Aerospace Engineering

"The fact that the great scientist believed in flying machines was the one thing that encouraged us to begin our studies." 
~Wright Bersaudara, Penemu Pesawat Terbang~

  • Astrodynamics – the study of orbital mechanics including prediction of orbital elements when given a select few variables. While few schools in the United States teach this at the undergraduate level, several have graduate programs covering this topic (usually in conjunction with the Physics department of said college or university).

  • Statics and Dynamics (engineering mechanics) – the study of movement, forces, moments in mechanical systems.

  • Control engineering – the study of mathematical modeling of the dynamic behavior of systems and designing them, usually using feedback signals, so that their dynamic behavior is desirable (stable, without large excursions, with minimum error). This applies to the dynamic behavior of aircraft, spacecraft, propulsion systems, and subsystems that exist on aerospace vehicles.

  • Aircraft structures – design of the physical configuration of the craft to withstand the forces encountered during flight. Aerospace engineering aims to keep structures lightweight.

  • Materials science – related to structures, aerospace engineering also studies the materials of which the aerospace structures are to be built. New materials with very specific properties are invented, or existing ones are modified to improve their performance.

  • Solid mechanics – Closely related to material science is solid mechanics which deals with stress and strain analysis of the components of the vehicle. Nowadays there are several Finite Element programs such as MSC Patran/Nastran which aid engineers in the analytical process.

  • Aeroelasticity – the interaction of aerodynamic forces and structural flexibility, potentially causing flutter, divergence, etc.

  • Avionics – the design and programming of computer systems on board an aircraft or spacecraft and the simulation of systems.

  • Software – the specification, design, development, test, and implementation of computer software for aerospace applications, including flight software, ground control software, test & evaluation software, etc.

  • Risk and reliability – the study of risk and reliability assessment techniques and the mathematics involved in the quantitative methods.

  • Noise control – the study of the mechanics of sound transfer.

  • Flight test – designing and executing flight test programs in order to gather and analyze performance and handling qualities data in order to determine if an aircraft meets its design and performance goals and certification requirements.

Ide Program Dirgantara dan Antariksa Indonesia dari Penulis

Space Education
Kita akan membangun pendidikan IPTEK keantariksaan dari jenjang pendidikan usia dini hingga perguruan tinggi, anak-anak muda Indonesia akan diperkenalkan dengan Space Science & Technology sejak awal, mereka akan berbondong-bondong untuk mempelajarinya, mengembangkannya dan memajukannya berlandaskan rasa pengabdian Terhadap Pencipta Alam Raya ini.

a. Space Science & Technology for Early Education
b. Space Science & Technology for K-12 Education
c. Space Science & Technology for Higher Education 
Indonesian University Space Research Association

Semoga para Ilmuwan tanah air dapat terus berupaya sekuat tenaga untuk mengembangkan IPTEKS ini demi kemaslahatan umat manusia.



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