This 11-minute animation depicts key events of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission, which will launch in late 2011 and land a rover, Curiosity, on Mars in August 2012. A shorter 4-minute version of this animation, with narration, is also available on our youtube page. [NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory]
Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) is a robotic space probe mission to Mars launched by NASA on November 26, 2011, which successfully landed Curiosity, a Mars rover, in Gale Crater on August 6, 2012.
The overall objectives include investigating Mars' habitability, studying its climate and geology, and collecting data for a manned mission to Mars.
The rover carries a variety of scientific instruments designed by an international team.
The Mars Science Laboratory mission is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort for the robotic exploration of Mars that is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of California Institute of Technology. The total cost of the MSL project is about US$2.5 billion. [Rp. Trilyun] Germany contributed 2.5 million euros ($3.1 million USD)
Instrument IntiMars Science Laboratory (MSL) is a robotic space probe mission to Mars launched by NASA on November 26, 2011, which successfully landed Curiosity, a Mars rover, in Gale Crater on August 6, 2012.
The overall objectives include investigating Mars' habitability, studying its climate and geology, and collecting data for a manned mission to Mars.
The rover carries a variety of scientific instruments designed by an international team.
The Mars Science Laboratory mission is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort for the robotic exploration of Mars that is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of California Institute of Technology. The total cost of the MSL project is about US$2.5 billion. [Rp. Trilyun] Germany contributed 2.5 million euros ($3.1 million USD)
APXS - Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer
ChemCam - Chemistry and Camera Complex
CheMin - Chemistry and Mineralogy
DAN – Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons
Hazcam - Hazard Avoidance Camera
MAHLI – Mars Hand Lens Imager
MARDI – Mars Descent Imager
MastCam - Mast Camera
MEDLI – MSL EDL Instrument
Navcam - Navigation Camera
RAD – Radiation assessment detector
REMS – Rover Environmental Monitoring Station
SAM – Sample Analysis at Mars
REMS – Rover Environmental Monitoring Station
RAD – Radiation assessment detector
Navcam - Navigation Camera
MEDLI – MSL EDL Instrument
MastCam - Mast Camera
MARDI – Mars Descent Imager
MAHLI – Mars Hand Lens Imager
Hazcam - Hazard Avoidance Camera
DAN – Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons
CheMin - Chemistry and Mineralogy
ChemCam - Chemistry and Camera Complex
APXS - Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer
Begitu memasuki atmosfer Mars, wahana yang membawanya melakukan manuver untuk memperlambat kecepatan hingga ketinggian sekitar 11 kilometer dari permukaan Mars.
Kemudian parasut supersonik dikembangkan hingga wahana turun sampai ketinggian 1,6 kilometer. Wahana tersebut kemudian melepas retrorocket yang akan memandu pendaratan robot Curiosity yang dibawanya.
Retrorocket kemudian menurunkan robot Curiosity menggunakan tali nilon dengan teknik yang disebut "derek angkasa".
Begitu Curiosity menyentuh permukaan Mars, tali nilon yang digunakan dilepas dan retrorocket terbang menjauh.
Robot beroda enam itu pun mulai bergerak di permukaan Mars.
Curiosity diharapkan bisa meneliti molekul yang mendukung kehidupan di Mars sekaligus memecahkan misteri evolusi Mars.
Keberhasilan ini juga menandai keberhasilan pertama mendaratkan robot beroda enam di Mars.
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