Kapal Induk ini menggunakan mesin bertenaga nuklir yang diperoleh dari reaktor nuklir yang berada pada kapal tersebut yang dihubungkan dengan turbin uap.
Tenaga uap yang dihasilkan kapal Induk tersebut selain sebagai penggerak kapal juga digunakan sebagai sumber tenaga listrik serta tenaga uapnya digunakan sebagai pengatur tekanan pada catapult kapal induk untuk meluncurkan pesawat.
Untuk Armada Amerika serikat kapal ini diberi kode CVN contoh kapal induk nuklir adalah USS Ronald Reagan, USS Kitty Hawk, USS Enterprise.
Masa Depan Kapal Induk Bertenaga Nuklir
Nimitz-class carriers were designed to have a 50-year service life. At the end of the service life, ships will be decommissioned. This process will first take place on Nimitz and is estimated to cost from $750 to $900 million.
This compares with an estimate of $53 million for a conventionally powered carrier. Most of the difference in cost is attributed to the deactivation of the nuclear power plants and safe removal of radioactive material and other contaminated equipment.
A new class of carriers, the Gerald R. Ford class, is being constructed to replace previous vessels after decommissioning. Ten of these are expected, and the first will enter service in 2016 to replace USS Enterprise.
The rest of these new carriers are to replace the oldest Nimitz ships as they reach the end of their service life. The new carriers will have a similar design to Bush (using an almost identical hull shape) but will also have further technological and structural improvements.
Book: Nimitz class aircraft carriers
Masa Depan Kapal Induk Bertenaga Nuklir
Nimitz-class carriers were designed to have a 50-year service life. At the end of the service life, ships will be decommissioned. This process will first take place on Nimitz and is estimated to cost from $750 to $900 million.
This compares with an estimate of $53 million for a conventionally powered carrier. Most of the difference in cost is attributed to the deactivation of the nuclear power plants and safe removal of radioactive material and other contaminated equipment.
A new class of carriers, the Gerald R. Ford class, is being constructed to replace previous vessels after decommissioning. Ten of these are expected, and the first will enter service in 2016 to replace USS Enterprise.
The rest of these new carriers are to replace the oldest Nimitz ships as they reach the end of their service life. The new carriers will have a similar design to Bush (using an almost identical hull shape) but will also have further technological and structural improvements.
The USS Ronald Reagan, under construction in the Northrop Grumman Newport News dry dock
Book: Nimitz class aircraft carriers
The carrier's two nuclear reactors,
housed in a heavily-armored, heavily restricted area in the middle of
the ship, generate loads of high-pressure steam to rotate fan blades
inside the turbine. The fans turn the turbine shaft, which rotates the
screw propellers to push the ship forward, while massive rudders steer
the ship. The propulsion system boasts something in excess of 280,000 horsepower (the Navy doesn't release exact numbers).
Lowering superlifts into position on the USS Harry S. Truman
1. Mempelajari dan meneliti kapal induk bertenaga nuklir di negara-negara maju dengan cara mengirimkan para pelajar, peneliti dan perwira militer untuk menimba ilmu pengetahuan-teknologi dalam bidang ini.
2. Pembuatan Institusi Pendidikan, Riset dan Pengembangan dalam bidang Perkapalan Modern
3. Pembuatan dan Pengembangan Industri Perkapalan dalam negeri yang melibatkan sektor swasta
4. Sinergi antara pihak militer dan pihak industri pertahanan
Bisakah Indonesia Membuat dan Membangun Kapal Induk Bertenaga Nuklir?
Kunjungi Juga: Desain Kapal Republik Indonesia Induk Nusantara
Semangat Indonesia Bisa
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