In many ways, the Nobel Foundation is similar to an investment company, in that it invests Nobel's money to create a solid funding base for the prizes and the administrative activities.
The Nobel Foundation is exempt from all taxes in Sweden (since 1946) and from investment taxes in the United States (since 1953).
Since the 1980s, the Foundation's investments have become more profitable and as of 31 December 2007, the assets controlled by the Nobel Foundation amounted to 3.628 billion Swedish kronor (c. US$560 million).
- Chemistry, Kary B. Mullis
- Chemistry, Michael Smith
- Economics, Robert W. Fogel
- Economics, Douglass C. North
- Literature, Toni Morrison
- Medicine, Richard J. Roberts
- Medicine, Phillip A. Sharp
- Peace, F.W. de Klerk
- Peace, Nelson Mandela
- Physics, Russell A. Hulse
- Physics, Joseph H. Taylor Jr.
- Chemistry, Rudolph A. Marcus
- Economics, Gary S. Becker
- Literature, Derek Walcott
- Medicine, Edmond H. Fischer
- Medicine, Edwin G. Krebs
- Peace, Rigoberta Menchú Tum
- Physics, Georges Charpak
- Chemistry, Richard R. Ernst
- Economics, Ronald H. Coase
- Literature, Nadine Gordimer
- Medicine, Erwin Neher
- Medicine, Bert Sakmann
- Peace, Aung San Suu Kyi
- Physics, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
- Chemistry, Elias James Corey
- Economics, Harry M. Markowitz
- Economics, Merton H. Miller
- Economics, William F. Sharpe
- Literature, Octavio Paz
- Medicine, Joseph E. Murray
- Medicine, E. Donnall Thomas
- Peace, Mikhail Gorbachev
- Physics, Jerome I. Friedman
- Physics, Henry W. Kendall
- Physics, Richard E. Taylor
- Chemistry, Sidney Altman
- Chemistry, Thomas R. Cech
- Economics, Trygve Haavelmo
- Literature, Camilo José Cela
- Medicine, J. Michael Bishop
- Medicine, Harold E. Varmus
- Peace, The 14th Dalai Lama
- Physics, Hans G. Dehmelt
- Physics, Wolfgang Paul
- Physics, Norman F. Ramsey
- Chemistry, Johann Deisenhofer
- Chemistry, Robert Huber
- Chemistry, Hartmut Michel
- Economics, Maurice Allais
- Literature, Naguib Mahfouz
- Medicine, Sir James W. Black
- Medicine, Gertrude B. Elion
- Medicine, George H. Hitchings
- Peace, United Nations Peacekeeping Forces
- Physics, Leon M. Lederman
- Physics, Melvin Schwartz
- Physics, Jack Steinberger
- Chemistry, Donald J. Cram
- Chemistry, Jean-Marie Lehn
- Chemistry, Charles J. Pedersen
- Economics, Robert M. Solow
- Literature, Joseph Brodsky
- Medicine, Susumu Tonegawa
- Peace, Oscar Arias Sánchez
- Physics, J. Georg Bednorz
- Physics, K. Alex Müller
- Chemistry, Dudley R. Herschbach
- Chemistry, Yuan T. Lee
- Chemistry, John C. Polanyi
- Economics, James M. Buchanan Jr.
- Literature, Wole Soyinka
- Medicine, Stanley Cohen
- Medicine, Rita Levi-Montalcini
- Peace, Elie Wiesel
- Physics, Gerd Binnig
- Physics, Heinrich Rohrer
- Physics, Ernst Ruska
Untuk Mempelajari kehebatan para peraih nobel kita harus mengenal perjalanan kehidupan mereka, membentuk mental ilmiah yang kuat, serta membangun komunitas ilmiah di lingkungan kita.
Nobel Prize