Friday, 4 November 2011

Bimbingan Ilmu Peroketan untuk Para Pendidik

Audience: Educators
Grades: K-12
Product Number: EG-2011-11-223-KSC

Few classroom topics generate as much excitement as rockets. The scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical foundations of rocketry provide exciting classroom opportunities for authentic hands-on, minds-on experimentation.

The activities and lesson plans contained in this educator guide emphasize hands-on science, prediction, data collection and interpretation, teamwork, and problem solving.

The guide also contains background information about the history of rockets and basic rocket science. The rocket activities in this guide support national curriculum standards for science, mathematics and technology.

The guide contains new and updated lessons and activities from the original Rockets Educator Guide.

Introductory Pages
A Pictorial History of Rockets
What Comes Next
How Rockets Work
Applying Newton's Laws
Pop Can Hero Engine
Heavy Lifting
Newton Car
Rocket Races
Pop! Rocket Launcher Directions
Pop! Rockets
Foam Rocket
Launch Altitude Tracker
Rocket Wind Tunnel
Advanced High-Power Paper Rockets
Water Rocket Launcher Directions
Water Rocket Construction
Project X-51
Additional Resources

Source: NASA