Sunday, 13 December 2009

ACL from MIT


professor Jonathan How
The Aerospace Controls Laboratory (ACL)researches topics related to autonomous systems and control design for aircraft, spacecraft, and ground vehicles. Theoretical research is pursued in areas such as: decision making under uncertainty; path planning, activity and task assignment; estimation and navigation; sensor network design; robust control, adaptive control, and model predictive control. A key part of ACL isRAVEN (Real-time indoor AutonomousVehicle test ENvironment), a unique experimental facility that uses a Vicon motion capture sensing to enable rapid prototyping of aerobatic flight controllers for helicopters and aircraft; robust coordination algorithms for multiple helicopters; and vision-based sensing algorithms for indoor flight.



Building 33, Room 326 Map
MIT, 77 Mass. Ave., Cambridge MA 02139
Phone: 617-253-3267
Fax: 617-253-7397

Research Interests: Navigation and Control

Planning and Control for Team MIT - DARPA Grand (Urban) Challenge Team
My research group and some papers available to download
Activity planning and trajectory design for cooperating vehicles (UAVs and robots)
Vision-based navigation for GPS-denied flight (movie)
Decentralized activity planning for Cooperating UAV's (AFOSR)
Multi-UAV testbeds - Indoors using autonomous quadrotors (RAVEN) and external UAVs
Mixed-integer Linear Programming for Multi-Vehicle Control (MILP)
Autonomous aircraft agile flight and aerobatics
Spacecraft navigation, control, and autonomy
Orion Formation Flying Microsatellite Experiment (NASA GSFC)
Relative Navigation for Formation Flying Spacecraft using GPS (NASA GSFC)
Autonomous Formation Flying Spacecraft (CETDP) see New scientist and GPSworld
Magnetic Indoor Absolute Positioning System
Robust and hybrid control, control of flexible structures using GPS (article)

Recent Classes

Principles of Optimal Control (OCW)
Aircraft Stability & Control (OCW)
Feedback Control Systems (OCW)
Aerospace Dynamics (OCW)