The origin and fate of matter in our universe are the fundamental questions in nuclear astrophysics
To Applied Nuclear Sciences and Technology for Enriched Human Being
1. Research
2. Innovation
3. Development
4. Education
1. Research
2. Innovation
3. Development
4. Education
1. Energy
2. Application & Engineering
(President Sukarno, Pada Saat Pembukaan Konprensi Asia-Afrika di Bandung)
(President Sukarno, Pada saat Peresmian Reaktor Penelitian BATAN, di Bandung)
(Peneliti Muda dan Temannya sedang berfoto dengan MAKET reaktor Penelitian Nuklir BATAN)
Asia & Africa Nuclear Energy Association
(Community for Building Nuclear Reactor in Asia & Africa Continent)
(Community for Building Nuclear Reactor in Asia & Africa Continent)
The key components common to most types of nuclear power plants are:- Nuclear fuel
- Nuclear reactor core
- Neutron moderator
- Neutron poison
- Coolant (often the Neutron Moderator and the Coolant are the same, usually both purified water)
- Control rods
- Reactor vessel
- Boiler feedwater pump
- Steam generators (not in BWRs)
- Steam turbine
- Electrical generator
- Condenser
- Cooling tower (not always required)
- Radwaste System (a section of the plant handling radioactive waste)
- Refueling Floor
- Spent fuel pool
- Nuclear safety systems
- Reactor Protective System (RPS)
- Emergency Diesel Generators
- Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS)
- Standby Liquid Control System (emergency boron injection, in BWRs only)
- Containment building
- Control room
- Emergency Operations Facility
- Nuclear training facility (usually contains a Control Room simulator)
(Penulis sedang "Nyengirrr" he.,he.,, cakep juga ya? Wkwkwk.,.(Readers: "Kepedean tuh mas"))
Fusion power - Isotope separation - Nuclear accidents - Nuclear history - Nuclear materials - Nuclear organizations - Nuclear power companies - Nuclear power plants - Nuclear reactors - Nuclear reprocessing - Nuclear research centers - Nuclear safety - Nuclear spacecraft propulsion
Nuclear power is produced by controlled (i.e., non-explosive) nuclear reactions. Commercial and utility plants currently use nuclear fission reactions to heat water to produce steam, which is then used to generate electricity. In 2009, 13-14% of the world's electricity came from nuclear power.[1] Also, more than 150 naval vessels using nuclear propulsion have been built.
(Mr. Angga Fuja W.)
The economics of new nuclear power plants is a controversial subject, since there are diverging views on this topic, and multi-billion dollar investments ride on the choice of an energy source. Nuclear power plants typically have high capital costs for building the plant, but low fuel costs. Therefore, comparison with other power generation methods is strongly dependent on assumptions about construction timescales and capital financing for nuclear plants. Cost estimates also need to take into account plant decommissioning and nuclear waste storage costs. On the other hand measures to mitigate global warming, such as a carbon tax or carbon emissions trading, may favor the economics of nuclear power.