“Kemerdekaan Indonesia bukan saja soal kemerdekaan politik,
ekonomi dan budaya tapi soal bagaimana menjadikan manusia yang didalamnya hidup terhormat dan
terjamin kesejahteraannya, pendidikan harus dimajukan, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi segera diterapkan. Gotong royong, keramahan dan kekuatan kebaikan seluruh rakyat jua mesti terus dipelihara”
In the context of physical sciences, several forms of energy have been defined.
These include:
These forms of energy may be divided into two main groups; kinetic energy and potential energy. Other familiar types of energy are a varying mix of both potential and kinetic energy.
These include:
Kinetic energy is the work required to accelerate an object to a given speed. These values are expressed as:
Special Relativistic mechanics
At speeds approaching the speed of light c, this work must be calculated using Lorentz transformations, and applying mass and energy conservation, which results in the following:
Here the two terms on the right hand side are identified with the total energy and the rest energy of the object, respectively. This equation reduces to the one above it, at small (compared to c) speed. The kinetic energy is zero at v=0 (when γ = 1), so that at rest, the total energy is the rest energy. So a mass at rest in some inertial reference frame has a corresponding amount of rest energy equal to:
The Electric Potential Energy
The electric potential energy of given configuration of charges is defined as the work which must be done against the Coulomb force to rearrange charges from infinite separation to this configuration (or the work done by the Coulomb force separating the charges from this configuration to infinity). For two point-like charges Q1 and Q2 at a distance r this work, and hence electric potential energy is equal to:
where ε0 is the electric constant of a vacuum, 107/4πc02 or 8.854188… × 10−12 F m−1 In terms of electrostatic potential (ϕ for absolute, V for difference in potential), again by definition, electrostatic potential energy is given by:
If the charge is accumulated in a capacitor (of capacitance C), the reference configuration is usually selected not to be infinite separation of charges, but vice versa - charges at an extremely close proximity to each other (so there is zero net charge on each plate of a capacitor). The justification for this choice is purely practical it is easier to measure both voltage difference and magnitude of charges on a capacitor plates not versus infinite separation of charges but rather versus discharged capacitor where charges return to close proximity to each other (electrons and ions recombine making the plates neutral). In this case the work and thus the electric potential energy becomes:
(different forms obtained using the definition of capacitance).
Menyusun Strategi dan Kebijakan Kemerdekaan Energi Indonesia
Special Relativistic mechanics
At speeds approaching the speed of light c, this work must be calculated using Lorentz transformations, and applying mass and energy conservation, which results in the following:
Here the two terms on the right hand side are identified with the total energy and the rest energy of the object, respectively. This equation reduces to the one above it, at small (compared to c) speed. The kinetic energy is zero at v=0 (when γ = 1), so that at rest, the total energy is the rest energy. So a mass at rest in some inertial reference frame has a corresponding amount of rest energy equal to:
The Electric Potential Energy
The electric potential energy of given configuration of charges is defined as the work which must be done against the Coulomb force to rearrange charges from infinite separation to this configuration (or the work done by the Coulomb force separating the charges from this configuration to infinity). For two point-like charges Q1 and Q2 at a distance r this work, and hence electric potential energy is equal to:
where ε0 is the electric constant of a vacuum, 107/4πc02 or 8.854188… × 10−12 F m−1 In terms of electrostatic potential (ϕ for absolute, V for difference in potential), again by definition, electrostatic potential energy is given by:
If the charge is accumulated in a capacitor (of capacitance C), the reference configuration is usually selected not to be infinite separation of charges, but vice versa - charges at an extremely close proximity to each other (so there is zero net charge on each plate of a capacitor). The justification for this choice is purely practical it is easier to measure both voltage difference and magnitude of charges on a capacitor plates not versus infinite separation of charges but rather versus discharged capacitor where charges return to close proximity to each other (electrons and ions recombine making the plates neutral). In this case the work and thus the electric potential energy becomes:
(different forms obtained using the definition of capacitance).
Menyusun Strategi dan Kebijakan Kemerdekaan Energi Indonesia
Saat ini, total penyediaan energi nasional mencapai 1.177 juta setara barel minyak. Sumber energi yang digunakan pun masih sangat didominasi oleh bahan bakar fosil yaitu 95 persen. Energi terbarukan masih dipandang sebagai energi alternatif, dimana pemanfaatannya hanya 5 persen dari total penyediaan energi nasional.
Indonesia ini tidak hanya berhadapan dengan kolonialisme tapi berhadapan dengan suatu penjajahan model baru seperti modal asing yang memperbudak bangsa Indonesia. Kita ingin modal asing ini dikelola dan diseimbangkan dengan kekuatan rakyat, kekuatan bangsa sendiri.
Bangsa kita harus bisa maju, harus berdaulat di segala bidang, apalagi sumber energi kita punya melimpah ruah. Coba kita susun strategi dan kebijakan agar bangsa ini merdeka dalam pengelolaan energi.
Semangat Indonesia