"I like relativity and quantum theories
Because I don’t
understand them
And they make me feel as if space shifted
like a swan that can’t settle
Refusing to sit still and be
And as if the atom were an impulsive thing
changing its mind."
~D. H. Lawrence~
Topik Penelitian Pada Pusat IPTEK Quantum di National University of Singapore
Quantum mechanics (QM – also known as quantum physics quantum theory is a branch of physics dealing with physical phenomena at microscopic scales, where the action is on the order of the Planck constant. Quantum mechanics departs from classical mechanics primarily at the quantum realm of atomic and subatomic length scales. Quantum mechanics provides a mathematical description of much of the dual and behavior and interactions of energy and matter.
The mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics are those mathematical formalisms that permit a rigorous description of quantum mechanics. Such are distinguished from mathematical formalisms for theories developed prior to the early 1900s by the use of abstract mathematical structures, such as infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces and operators on these spaces.
Many of these structures are drawn from functional analysis, a research area within pure mathematics that was influenced in part by the needs of quantum mechanics. In brief, values of physical observables such as energy and momentum were no longer considered as values of functions on phase space, but as eigenvalues; more precisely: as spectral values (point spectrum plus absolute continuous plus singular continuous spectrum) of linear operators in Hilbert space.
Mathematical structure of quantum mechanics
A physical system is generally described by three basic ingredients: states; observables; and dynamics (or law of time evolution) or, more generally, a group of physical symmetries. A classical description can be given in a fairly direct way by a phase space model of mechanics: states are points in a symplectic phase space, observables are real-valued functions on it, time evolution is given by a one-parameter group of symplectic transformations of the phase space, and physical symmetries are realized by symplectic transformations.
A quantum description consists of a Hilbert space of states, observables are self adjoint operators on the space of states, time evolution is given by a one-parameter group of unitary transformations on the Hilbert space of states, and physical symmetries are realized by unitary transformations.
Quantum harmonic oscillator
Quantum harmonic oscillator
As in the classical case, the potential for the quantum harmonic oscillator is given by:
This problem can be solved either by solving the Schrödinger equation directly, which is not trivial, or by using the more elegant "ladder method", first proposed by Paul Dirac. Theeigenstates are given by:
where Hn are the Hermite polynomials:
and the corresponding energy levels are
This is another example which illustrates the quantization of energy for bound states.
Some Application of Quantum Mecahnics
Book Editor By:
Prof. Mohammad Reza Pahlavani, Ph.D.
Mazandaran University of Iran, Iran.
- Chapter 1
Quantum Phase-Space Transport and Applications to the Solid State Physics
- Chapter 2
Reaction Path Optimization and Sampling Methods and Their Applications for Rare Events
- Chapter 3
Semiclassical Methods of Deformation Quantisation in Transport Theory
- Chapter 4
Synergy Between First-Principles Computation and Experiment in Study of Earth Science
- Chapter 5
Quantum Mechanical Three-Body Systems and Its Application in Muon Catalyzed Fusion
- Chapter 6
Application of Quantum Mechanics for Computing the Vibrational Spectra of Nitrogen Complexes in Silicon Nanomaterials
- Chapter 7
Metal-Assisted Proton Transfer in Guanine-Cytosine Pair: An Approach from Quantum Chemistry
- Chapter 8
Quantum Mechanics on Surfaces
- Chapter 9
Quantum Statistics and Coherent Access Hypothesis
- Chapter 10
Flows of Information and Informational Trajectories in Chemical Processes
- Chapter 11
Quantum Mechanics Design of Two Photon Processes Based Solar Cells
- Chapter 12
Quantum Information-Theoretical Analyses of Systems and Processes of Chemical and Nanotechnological Interest
- Chapter 13
Quantum Computing and Optimal Control Theory
- Chapter 14
Recent Applications of Hybrid Ab Initio Quantum Mechanics – Molecular Mechanics Simulations to Biological Macromolecules
- Chapter 15
Battle of the Sexes: A Quantum Games Theory Approach
- Chapter 16
Einstein-Bohr Controversy After 75 Years, Its Actual Solution and Consequences
National University of Singapore Center for Quantum Technologies Graduate Student Theses
- Hybrid Quantum Computation. Arun, CQT, NUS (PhD thesis 2012).
- Understanding Equipartition and Thermalization from Decoupling. Adrian Hutter, ETH Zurich (MSc thesis 2011).
- One Simple Postulate Implies that Every Polytopic State Space is Classical. Corsin Pfister, ETH Zurich (MSc thesis 2011).
- Ultracold Fermions in a Honeycomb Optical Lattice. Lee Kean Loon, NUS (PhD thesis 2010).
- A Security of Two Non-Tomographic Quantum Communication Protocols. Syed Md Assad, NUS (PhD thesis 2010).
- Spin-Density Funtionals of a Two-Dimensional Fermionic Gas of Dipolar Atoms: Thomas-Fermi-Dirac Treatment. Bess Fang, NUS (MSc thesis 2010).
- Towards Resolved-Sideband Raman Cooling of a Single 87Rb Atom in a Fort. Lee Jianwei, NUS (MSc thesis 2010).
- A Study of Open Quantum Systems. Niels Lorch, University of Heidelberg (Diploma thesis 2010).
- Black Box State Estimation. Charles Lim, NUS (BSc thesis 2010).
- Proof of the Orthogonal Measurement Conjecture for Two States of a Qubit. Andreas Keil, NUS (PhD thesis 2009).
- Interfacing light and a single quantum system with a lens. Tey Meng Khoon, NUS (PhD thesis 2009).
- Towards a High Quality Polarization-Entangled Multi-Photon Source. Poh Hou Shun, NUS (MSc thesis 2009).
- Security Analysis of a Basis-Independent Scheme for Quantum Cryptography. Gelo N.C. Tabia, NUS (MSc thesis 2009).
- Entangled state preparation for optical quantum communication. Alexander Ling, NUS (PhD thesis 2008).
- Single Photon Generation from a Single Molecule at Room Temperature. Mai Li Jian, NUS (BSc thesis 2008).
Center for Quantum Technologies Software Projects
Search for Optimal Measurements using Iterative Methods (SOMIM), a program that can calculate the maximum mutual information and the corresponding optimal POVM outcomes given a set of statistical operators.
SeCQC is an open-source program code which implements a numerical Search for the classical Capacity of Quantum Channels (SeCQC) by using an iterative method. Given a quantum channel, SeCQC finds the statistical operators and POVM outcomes that maximize the accessible information, and thus determines the classical capacity of the quantum channel.
This is the repository for the source code used in a series of quantum key distribution experiments from key generation in form time-stamped detector data to error correction and privacy amplification. The code was designed to work with entanglement-based pair detection schemes, either implementing a BB84-type/BBM92 protocol, or an Ekert-91 protocol, which we used for our implementations of quantum key ditribution systems.
Center for Quantum Technologies
Arip Nurahman Notes
Ucapan Terima Kasih:
1. Bpk. Dr. Miftachul Hadi, M.Sc. [Penulis dan Peneliti Fisika Produktif dari LIPI]
2. Kang Agus Haeruman, S.Si. [MTU Singapore]
Dan kepada teman-teman di Group Physics Research Consulting
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