"Menanam benih, memelihara pohon belajar dan kesabaran memang perlu perjuangan dan pengorbanan namun yakinlah buah dari itu semua sangatlah manis"
Prof. Drew Faust, Rektor Universitas Harvard memberikan sambutan pada pembukaan situs pendidikan online:
Penulis terkadang mengikuti perkuliahan online Harvard di perpustakaan, dan allhamdulilah sekarang fasilitas perpustakaan dibuka hingga pukul 21:00 WIB Malam.
Semakin Betah Saja.
Semakin Betah Saja.
Beberapa sumber belajar dari Universitas Harvard yang dapat dinikmati oleh kita semua.
Harvard Thinks Big
- A selection of web-accessible collections from the Harvard University Libraries
Great Teachers
- Harvard’s Great Teachers invites you to discover our faculty sharing their ideas, very much as they do every day with undergraduates at Harvard College. Through classroom discussions, lectures, interviews and performances, you can experience firsthand the liberal arts college at the heart of one of the world's premier research universities. For each faculty member we profile, you will find a collection of interrelated videos that, taken together, offer you a portrait of his or her work as a teacher here at Harvard.
Justice with Michael Sandel - Online Harvard Course
By: Prof. Michael J. Sandel is a political philosopher and a professor at Harvard University.
Chandra X-ray Observatory Center
- NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, which was launched and deployed by Space Shuttle Columbia in July of 1999, is the most sophisticated X-ray observatory built to date. Chandra is designed to observe X-rays from high energy regions of the universe, such as the remnants of exploded stars. View images captured by the observatory and investigate the research being done.
Terima Kasih Kepada:
Bapak dan Ibu di Perpustakaan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Anak-anakku di SMA Budi Luhur dan Al-Wustho, Semangat Terus ya.
Serial Love Story in Harvard yang selalu menjadi inspirasi, semakin seru saja ceritanya.
Teman-teman di Universitas Rakyat, thanks untuk diskusinya.
Sampaikanlah kami ke HARVARD Ya Robbi.
Semangat, Pasti Bisa!