Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Indonesian Space Force Command

Super Soldier, Prajurit-prajurit Super Masa Depan


Eko Laksono & Arip Nurahman

Imperium Indonesia

(Berjuang Demi Yang Maha Kuasa, Bangsa dan Negara)

Teknologi di dunia terus berkembang. Di tahun 2020, militer di seluruh dunia akan mampu memanfaatkan teknologi yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya dalam sejarah manusia. Dengan teknologi seperti robotik dan nanoteknologi, maka kita akan bisa menciptakan tentara-tentara super masa depan.

(Presiden SBY & Mantan Mentri Pendidikan & Pertahanan, Prof. Juwono Sudarsono, Ph.D.)

Ini adalah ciri-ciri definitif para tentara super dalam medan tempur masa depan :

 (Prajurit Masa Depan Menguasai Seni Bela Diri Tradisional, Pencak Silat)

Tentara masa depan akan ditunjang kerangka mesin cerdas yang akan melipatgandakan kekuatan fisiknya. Dengan kerangka super ini, baik memakai teknologi robot atau nanoteknologi, tentara ini akan bisa bergerak/berlari lebih cepat, lebih lama, sambil membawa beban berat dengan hanya mengeluarkan sedikit tenaga.

Beban yang bisa diangkat dengan technological enhancement ini diperkirakan bisa mencapai lebih dari 200 kg. Tentara ini juga akan bisa membawa senjata yang lebih besar yang sebelumnya hanya bisa dibawa oleh kendaraan militer, serta membawa amunisi yang lebih lengkap. Saat ada temannya yang terluka, maka dia bisa mengangkat temannya itu 

dengan sangat mudah.


Baju tentara masa depan akan jauh lebih kuat dari Kevlar dan super ringan. Ini dimungkinkan dengan menggunakan material nanoteknologi yang super kuat. Beberapa bahan nanoteknologi seperti carbon nanotube kerasnya bahkan melebihi intan.

Baju ini akan jauh lebih tahan peluru bahkan yang berkaliber besar, tahan ledakan yang sangat kuat, bahkan tahan terhadap cuaca ekstrim seperti panas atau dingin yang ekstrim.

Saat ini yang banyak digunakan adalah bahan dari metal atau komposit keramik bobotnya berat dan mengganggu fleksibiltas serta mobilitas tentara. Sedangkan pakaian yang diperkuat nanoteknologi akan seringan dan sefleksibel baju dari kain biasa. Ini membuat tentara ini akan mampu bergerak lebih cepat dan efisien, rapid movement.

Departemen Pertahanan Amerika bahkan sedang melakukan riset baju pelindung yang mampu mengantisipasi datangnya peluru seperti halnya airbag dalam mobil kelas atas. Ketika peluru datang, maka sensor super canggihnya akan langsung memperkuat bagian yang akan terkena sasaran pekuru tersebut.


Dengan teknologi bahan nanoteknologi yang mampu beradaptasi, baju tentara ini bisa berubah-ubah tampilannya sesuai dengan lingkungannya. Intinya adalah tentara ini selain mematikan, juga akan sulit terlihat oleh musuhnya.

Bajunya akan berubah warna menjadi hitam di waktu malam, ia akan berwarna hijau gelap di dalam hutan, berwarna pasir di padang pasir, atau berwarna putih di musim salju. Saat ia sedang berada di perkotaan, atau di sebuah pesta, maka pakaian nanoteknologi cerdas itu akan menyesuaikan diri dengan sendirinya.


Helm yang didukung teknologi display digital akan mampu memberikan pemandangan dan informasi yang super detail dari medan pertempuran. Anda bisa melihat apa yang tidak dilihat musuh anda.

Helm itu akan dilengkapi perlengkapan standar sinar infra-red untuk melihat dalam kegelapan, juga layar advanced-HUD (Heads Up Display, seperti yang ada di pesawat tempur canggih) yang mampu memberikan pandangan taktis dan strategis, data dan informasi medan perang real-time lewat satelit. Lewat layar itu, tentara itu akan mengetahui secara persis posisi dan jumlah musuh. Di saat santai, layar ini juga bisa untuk nonton DVD, Discovery Channel, atau American Idol.

Helm ini juga dilengkapi speaker yang digunakan untuk menerima instruksi dan informasi langsung dari markas operasional, pemimpin pasukan, serta dapat pula digunakan untuk mendengarkan lagu-lagu MP3 yang memutar lagu-lagu John Lennon, Simon & Garfunkel, atau Ebiet G. Ade..(all you need is love...).


Selain keunggulan-keunggulan diatas, ini juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai perlengkapan yang mendukung kenyamanan para tentara masa depan, diantaranya :
Kantung air minum yang bisa dimodifikasi untuk 6 macam minuman yang berbeda, dari minuman berenergi, teh melati, jus alpukat, sampai kopi susu untuk operasi malam hari.

Semua tentara akan diperlengkapi dengan Blackberry dan Twitter. Twitter memungkinkan tentara mengetahui secara real time kegiatan-kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan musuh saat itu, yaitu apakah dia sedang berjaga-jaga, melakukan rapat komando taktis operasional, lagi makan (which is ngga penting), jalan-jalan ke mal, atau sedang meeting sama klien (which is juga ngga penting).

Alat mekanik dengan nanoteknologi yang bisa melakukan pijatan-pijatan akupunktur dan akupressure di pundak, leher, lengan, punggung, dan kaki. O yeahhh! Ini baru benar-benar feature yang penting dan berpengaruh!

Tentara akan membawa ransum yang memungkinkan ia dapat bertahan dalam 6 hari. Setelah itu, bila diperlukan tentara itu dapat dengan mudah menggunakan sistem telekomunikasi canggih berbasis satelit yang bisa menelepon cabang-cabang McDonald's dan KFC di seluruh dunia yang bisa melakukan delivery dimanapun, 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu (atau Hokben).

Kantung tidur lengkap dengan penghangat, pewangi lavender untuk aroma therapy biar tidurnya nyenyak, dengan suara-suara yang menenangkan seperti air mengalir, ombak laut, atau suara anak-anak lari-lari sambil teriak-teriak supaya dia merasa berada seperti di rumah (feels at home gitu).

Apaan sih hebatnya nanoteknologi? 

Lihat disini.

(Presiden SBY, Agus Hari Murti Yudhoyono & Istri Terkasih )

Semoga Bermanfaat dan Terima Kasih

Friday, 22 October 2010

The Galactic Center Magnetosphere

Mark Morris
Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1547,
E-mail: morris@astro.ucla.edu

Abstract. The magnetic field within a few hundred parsecs of the center of the Galaxy is
an essential component of any description of that region. The field has several pronounced
observational manifestations: 1) morphological structures such as nonthermal radio filaments
(NTFs) – magnetic flux tubes illuminated by synchrotron emission from relativistic electrons
– and a remarkable, large-scale, helically wound structure, 2) relatively strong polarization of
thermal dust emission from molecular clouds, presumably resulting from magnetic alignment of
the rotating dust grains, and 3) synchrotron emission from cosmic rays. Because most of the
NTFs are roughly perpendicular to the Galactic plane, the implied large-scale geometry of the
magnetic field is dipolar. Estimates of the mean field strength vary from tens of microgauss to
∼ a milligauss. The merits and weaknesses of the various estimations are discussed here. If the
field strength is comparable to a milligauss, then the magnetic field is able to exert a strong
influence on the dynamics of molecular clouds, on the collimation of a Galactic wind, and on
the lifetimes and bulk motions of relativistic particles. Related to the question of field strength
is the question of whether the field is pervasive throughout the central zone of the Galaxy, or
whether its manifestations are predominantly localized phenomena. Current evidence favors the
pervasive model.


Monday, 18 October 2010

Balloons in Liquid Nitrogen

MIT Physics Demo

This demonstrates the ideal gas law (PV=nRT) which states that a drop in temperature with fixed mass and external pressure will result in a smaller volume, and vice versa.

Source: MIT Department of Physics

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Sekolah Pendidikan Robotika Indonesia

"Murid yang dipersenjatai dengan informasi Akan selalu memenangkan pertempuran"
(Meladee McCarty)

Participants who are interested in submitting or being featured in a video must register before November 12th in order for a submitted video to be eligible. Once participants have received notification that they have been officially registered, participants will have till December 31st to submit a video entry to the website. NASA will screen each video submission for content and will notify the participant if their submission is accepted for inclusion in the contest. Videos will be available for public viewing throughout the submission period, but voting will not be accepted until the specified voting period. Voting will open on December 31st, 2010 and remain open through January 31st, 2011. The top 5 videos in each grade category (grades 3-5 and grades 6-8) will then be evaluated and ranked by NASA based on the criteria below. The winner(s) will be notified by February 28th, 2011.

NASA Spinoff Technologies

Did you know that space technology is all around you? The heart defibrillator your grandparents might have or the memory foam mattress you sleep on at night, or even the purified water you drink at your house are all technologies developed by NASA engineers, scientists and innovators. NASA is required to share its technologies with the public. The public then can take these technologies and make them into something that you can use around your house, at school or even on the road. These are known as spinoffs.

In 1976, NASA wanted to put all these great stories about spinoffs in a book that the public could read about. Since then, over 1,600 stories have been written about spinoffs. If you want to read more about these stories, the history of spinoffs and the impact space technology has made on you, please visit Spinoff.

Vehicles used as the stand-ins for the robots in the film Transformers line up in front of an F-22A Raptor. The vehicles were on a military base to shoot several scenes for the film. Top: Starscream. Middle: Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Ratchet, Barricade. Bottom: Bumblebee, Jazz.

Pilihan Teknologi

Electrolyte Concentrates Treat Dehydration
Star-Mapping Tools Enable Tracking of Endangered Animals
Mobile Instruments Measure Atmospheric Pollutants
Insulating Foams Save Money, Increase Safety
Cloud Imagers Offer New Details on Earth's Health
Thermal Insulation Strips Conserve Energy
Telemetry Boards Interpret Rocket, Airplane Engine Data
Polyimide Resins Resist Extreme Temperatures
Robots Save Soldiers' Lives Overseas
Chlorophyll Meters Aid Plant Nutrient Management
Tensile Fabrics Enhance Architecture Around the World
Robust Light Filters Support Powerful Imaging Devices
Thermoelectric Devices Cool, Power Electronics
Innovative Tools Advance Revolutionary Weld Technique
Methods Reduce Cost, Enhance Quality of Nanotubes
Sensors Locate Radio Interference
Phase Change Fabrics Control Temperature
Modeling Languages Refine Vehicle Design
Tools Lighten Designs, Maintain Structural Integrity
Software Tools Streamline Project Management
Programs Automate Complex Operations Monitoring
Antennas Lower Cost of Satellite Access
Apollo-Era Life Rafts Save Hundreds of Sailors
Satellite-Respondent Buoys Identify Ocean Debris
Gauging Systems Monitor Cryogenic Liquids
Air Purifiers Eliminate Pathogens, Preserve Food
Voltage Sensors Monitor Harmful Static
Compact Instruments Measure Heat Potential
Radio Relays Improve Wireless Products
'Anti-Gravity' Treadmills Speed Rehabilitation
Crew Management Processes Revitalize Patient Care
Hubble Systems Optimize Busy Hospital Schedules
Web-Based Programs Assess Cognitive Fitness
Surface Operations Systems Improve Airport Efficiency
Nontoxic Resins Advance Aerospace Manufacturing
Circuits Enance Scientific Instruments and Safety Devices
Tough Textiles Protect Payloads and Public Safety Officers
Fabrics Protect Sensitive Skin from UV Rays
Tiny Devices Project Sharp, Colorful Images
Image-Capture Devices Extend Medicine's Reach
Medical Devices Assess, Treat Balance Disorders
NASA Bioreactors Advance Disease Treatments
Robotics Algorithms Provide Nutritional Guidelines
Sensors Provide Early Warning of Biological Threats
Forecasting Tools Point to Fishing Hotspots
Nanofiber Filters Eliminate Contaminants
Modeling Innovations Advance Wind Energy Industry
Feature Detection Systems Enhance Satellite Imagery
Advanced Sensors Boost Optical Communication, Imaging



Peterbilt 379 used in Transformers, portraying the Autobot Optimus Prime.

Chevrolet Camaro in Transformers, portraying the Autobot Bumblebee.

Pontiac Solstice portraying the Autobot Jazz

GMC Topkick, portraying the Autobot Ironhide.


 Dengan Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi yang semakin pesat, hemat saya sekitar 100 tahun Kedepan FIKSI-ILMIAH Transformers dapat diwujudkan semoga!.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Electromagnetic radiation

Electromagnetic radiation (EM radiation or EMR) is a form of energy emitted and absorbed by charged particles, which exhibits wave-like behavior as it travels through space. EMR has both electric and magnetic field components, which stand in a fixed ratio of intensity to each other, and which oscillate in phase perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the direction of energy and wave propagation. In a vacuum, electromagnetic radiation propagates at a characteristic speed, the speed of light.

Electromagnetic radiation is a particular form of the more general electromagnetic field (EM field), which is produced by moving charges. Electromagnetic radiation is associated with EM fields that are far enough away from the moving charges that produced them, that absorption of the EM radiation no longer affects the behavior of these moving charges. These two types or behaviors of EM field are sometimes referred to as the near and far field. In this language, EMR is merely another name for the far-field. Charges and currents directly produce the near-field. However, charges and currents produce EMR only indirectly—rather, in EMR, both the magnetic and electric fields are produced by changes in the other type of field, not directly by charges and currents. This close relationship causes the electric and magnetic fields in EMR to stand in a fixed ratio of strengths to each other, and to be found in phase, with maxima and nodes in each found at the same places in space.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Temperature Effect on Resistance

MIT Physics Demo

A light bulb is connected in series with a coil of very fine copper wire and a DC power supply. The voltage is adjusted so that the bulb glows dimly. When the coil is immersed in liquid nitrogen the resistance of the wire decreases causing the current to increase and the bulb to glow brightly.

Sumber: Fisika MIT

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Astrophysical Plasma

An astrophysical plasma is a plasma (an ionized gas) the physical properties of which are studied as part of astrophysics. Much of the baryonic matter of the universe is thought to consist of plasma, a state of matter in which atoms and molecules are so hot, that they have ionized by breaking up into their constituent parts, negatively charged electrons and positively charged ions. Because the particles are charged, they are strongly influenced by electromagnetic forces, that is, by magnetic and electric fields.

All known astrophysical plasmas are influenced by magnetic fields. Since plasmas contain equal numbers of electrons and ions, they are electrically neutral overall and thus electric fields play a lesser dynamical role. Because plasmas are highly conductive, any charge imbalances are readily neutralised.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Plasma Physics

In physics and chemistry, plasma (from Greek πλάσμα, "anything formed") is a state of matter similar to gas in which a certain portion of the particles is ionized. Heating a gas may ionize its molecules or atoms (reduce or increase the number of electrons in them), thus turning it into a plasma, which contains charged particles: positive ions and negative electrons or ions. Ionization can be induced by other means, such as strong electromagnetic field applied with a laser or microwave generator, and is accompanied by the dissociation of molecular bonds, if present.

The presence of a non-negligible number of charge carriers makes the plasma electrically conductive so that it responds strongly to electromagnetic fields. Plasma, therefore, has properties quite unlike those of solids, liquids, or gases and is considered a distinct state of matter. Like gas, plasma does not have a definite shape or a definite volume unless enclosed in a container; unlike gas, under the influence of a magnetic field, it may form structures such as filaments, beams and double layers. Some common plasmas are found in stars and neon signs. In the universe, plasma is the most common state of matter for ordinary matter, most of which is in the rarefied intergalactic plasma (particularly intracluster medium) and in stars. Much of the understanding of plasmas has come from the pursuit of controlled nuclear fusion and fusion power, for which plasma physics provides the scientific basis.