Thursday, 28 June 2012

Seminar Internasional: CERN and It's Particle Physics Program

"The most important thing in Learning (or Doing) Science is Curiosity"
~Prof. Emmanuel Tsesmelis, Ph.D. on CERN Public Lecture~


CERN atau dalam bahasa Indonesia: Organisasi Eropa untuk Riset Nuklir (singkatan dari bahasa Perancis: Organisation Européene pour la Recherche Nucléaire, bahasa Inggris: European Organization for Nuclear Research) adalah sebuah kompleks laboratorium percepatan partikel terbesar di dunia yang terletak di perbatasan antara Perancis dan Swis, persis di sebelah barat Jenewa.


The term CERN is also used to refer to the laboratory itself, which employs just under 2.400 full-time employees and hosts some 10.000 visiting scientists and engineers representing 608 universities and research facilities and 113 nationalities.

The acronym CERN originally stood, in French, for Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Council for Nuclear Research), which was a provisional council for setting up the laboratory, established by 12 European governments in 1952.

The acronym was retained for the new laboratory after the provisional council was dissolved, even though the name changed to the current Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Organization for Nuclear Research) in 1954.

According to Lew Kowarski, a former director of CERN, when the name was changed the acronym could have become the awkward OERN, and Heisenberg said that the acronym could " still be CERN even if the name is [not]".

Soon after its establishment the work at the laboratory went beyond the study of the atomic nucleus into higher-energy physics, which is mainly concerned with the study of interactions between particles.

Therefore the laboratory operated by CERN is commonly referred to as the European laboratory for particle physics (Laboratoire européen pour la physique des particules) which better describes the research being performed at CERN.

Bagian Pertama.

Oleh: Iqbal Robiyana, S.Pd.

26 Juni 2012, saya berkesempatan untuk mengikuti kuliah umum di Universitas Indonesia yang bertemakan "CERN and It's Particle Physics Program". Acara tersebut merupakan rangkaian acara kunjungan pertama pihak CERN [1] ke Indonesia. Juga, merupakan rangkaian dari kunjungan 3 hari Prof. Emmanuel Tsesmelis, Ph.D. [2] ke Indonesia. Terselenggara atas kerjasama dan dukungan dari berbagai instansi, seperti LIPI, BATAN, MENDIKBUD, dan KEMENLU. 

Kali ini saya tidak akan memaparkan sekelumit kegiatan kuliah umum tersebut, karena untuk mengetahuinya, Anda hanya tinggal cek di webnya Net Sains, KOMPAS dan TEMPO, karena saya lihat ketiga media tersebut hadir di acara tersebut. Yang ingin saya sampaikan disini adalah beberapa point yang saya tangkap dari hasil bincang-bincang (seusai kuliah umum) dengan Pak Suharyo Sumowidagdo, Ph.D yang akrab dipanggil Mas Haryo [3]. 

Mudah-mudahan menjadi pencerahan untuk siapa saja yang tertarik dengan hal ihwal "dunia" fisika partikel.

Mr. Iqbal: "Mas Haryo, Saya dulu berpikir, riset fisika partikel itu hanya menghasilkan persamaan-persamaan saja tanpa ada manfaatnya secara aplikatif dalam kehidupan nyata....Kenapa tidak meriset bidang-bidang yang aplikatif saja seperti bidang industri, kesehatan, dll? "

Prof. Suharyo, Ph.D. : "Saya harus luruskan kesalah-pahaman ini. Fisika partikel tidak hanya menghasilkan persamaan-persamaan. perlu diketahui bahwa fisika adalah yang mengkaji tentang alam. Konsep/persamaan fisika baru diakui kesahihannya jika telah dikonfirmasi/dibuktikan dengan eksperimen, bahwa konsep/persamaan tersebut sesuai dengan alam. 

Kesalahpahaman ini timbul karena di Indonesia tidak ada kegiatan fisika partikel eksperimen. Yang ada adalah kegiatan fisika partikel teoretik. Namun di negara-negara maju terdapat sangat banyak fisikawan partikel eksperimen. 

Hasil-hasil dari eksperimen fisika partikel adalah konfirmasi persamaan/teori-teori fisika partikel dan teknologi yang tidak hanya berguna untuk kegiatan penelitian fisika partikel, namun juga bagi kehidupan sehari-hari. Sehingga, saya merasa bahwa kata "tidak aplikatif" adalah penghakiman yang terlalu dini. Persamaan-persamaan, betapapun rumit dan abstrak, merupakan penggambaran/deskripsi tentang alam di sekitar kita. 

Pengetahuan tentang bagaimana alam di sekitar kita merupakan kekuatan. Knowledge is power. Memang suatu konsep terbaru dalam fisika akan selalu tampak abstrak dan jauh dari kenyataan. Namun itu semua beralasan: mereka merupakan sesuatu yang sangat baru sehingga tidak ada satu orang pun di dunia yang tahu apa kegunaannya! 

Dengan demikian tidak layak dan terlalu dini untuk menghakimi dengan menjatuhkan vonis ‘tidak aplikatif’. 

Saya beri satu contoh saja. Jika kita mengingat sejarah, bagaimana saat Fisikawan sekaligus Matematikawan Skotlandia, J.C. Maxwell berhasil menurunkan keempat persamaan Elektromagnet seabad silam. tidak ada satu pun orang di jaman tersebut yang menduga bahwa listrik dan magnet akan berperan sangat penting di masa depan. Jaman sekarang kita menggunakan listrik untuk penerangan, mendengarkan radio, menonton televisi, memakai internet dengan wireless/Wi-Fi. Kita menerima semua kenikmatan tersebut, namun hanya sedikit yang tahu bahwa semua kenikmatan jaman modern sekarang berawal dari kerja keras Maxwell tentang listrik magnet, yang berpuncak pada empat persamaan matematika tentang listrik dan magnet. 

Persamaan-persamaan yang nampaknya abstrak dan rumit, namun mendasari seluruh teknologi modern yang menggunakan listrik magnet. Singkat kata: Fisika partikel pada saat ini berada pada posisi yang sama dengan persamaan Maxwell 150 tahun yang lalu atau mekanika kuantum 80 tahun yang lalu. Sesuatu yang sangat baru, sangat abstrak, dan tidak seorang pun tahu berapa besar potensi sebenarnya. Kita para fisikawan berpegang pada pelajaran sejarah bahwa kelak di masa depan akan muncul aplikasi dan kegunaan fisika partikel yang saat ini tidak terduga dan terpikirkan oleh kita.


[1] CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world’s largest and most respected centres for scientific research. Its business is fundamental physics, finding out what the Universe is made of and how it works. 

[2] Professor Emmanuel Tsesmelis currently heads the CERN Directorate Office, which plays a key advisory and support role for the Director-General and Senior Management. The Directorate Office’s mission is to provide professional and administrative support, by co-ordinating Directorate-wide positions and by providing a source of policy and strategy counsel. Professor at The University of Oxford.

[3] Suharyo Sumowidagdo, Ph.D, The First Indonesian Physicist who work in CERN, Physics Department UI (S-1 & S-2). Florida State University (S-3), University of California, Riverside (Post-Doctoral). His Research interest is Physics of Top Quark.

European Laboratory for Particle Physics. Includes an introduction of the laboratory, information on experiments being conducted

Kunjungi Sekolah Kami:
Nuclear Science & Technology School:
Vision: Nuklir Power sebagai pemercepat Kesejahteraan Umat Manusia.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics

Instructor: Prof. Bernd Surrow [MIT]

Course Description:

The phenomenology and experimental foundations of particle and nuclear physics are explored in this course. Emphasis is on the fundamental forces and particles, as well as composites.


Saturday, 23 June 2012

Manfaat Fisika Nuklir dan Partikel

Mempelajari dan Meneliti Fisika Nuklir dan Partikel sangat bermanfaat untuk perkembangan IPTEK di Negeri ini, kita perlu sumber energi besar kini dan masa depan.

Kita harus bisa membangun PLTN berkapasitas total 100.000 MW di negeri ini.

Melahirkan banyak Ilmuwan IPTEK Nuklir dan Fisika Partikel

Particle physics is a branch of physics which studies the nature of particles that are the constituents of what is usually referred to as matter and radiation. In current understanding, particles are excitations of quantum fields and interact following their dynamics. 

Although the word "particle" can be used in reference to many objects (e.g. a proton, a gas particle, or even household dust), the term "particle physics" usually refers to the study of the fundamental objects of the universe fields that must be defined in order to explain the observed particles, and that cannot be defined by a combination of other fundamental fields. 

The current set of fundamental fields and their dynamics are summarized in a theory called the Standard Model, therefore particle physics is largely the study of the Standard Model's particle content and its possible extensions.

Sub Atomic Particle and Nuclear Research

Modern particle physics research is focused on subatomic particles, including atomic constituents such as electrons, protons, and neutrons (protons and neutrons are composite particles called baryons, made of quarks), produced by radioactive and scattering processes, such as photons, neutrinos, and muons, as well as a wide range of exotic particles. 

To be specific, the term particle is a misnomer from classical physics because the dynamics of particle physics are governed by quantum mechanics. As such, they exhibit wave-particle duality, displaying particle-like behavior under certain experimental conditions and wave-like behavior in others. 

In more technical terms, they are described by quantum state vectors in a Hilbert space, which is also treated in quantum field theory. Following the convention of particle physicists, elementary particles refer to objects such as electrons and photons as it is well known that those types of particles display wave-like properties as well.



Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Perusahaan IPTEK Antariksa Negeri Panda

"Pemimpin Sejati Adalah Mereka Yang Melahirkan Banyak Pemimpin Lebih Hebat dari Dirinya"

The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (中國航天科技集團公司) (CASC) is the main contractor for the Chinese space program. 

It is state-owned and has a number of subordinate entities which design, develop and manufacture a range of spacecraft, launch vehicles, strategic and tactical missile systems, and ground equipment. It was officially established in July 1999 as part of a Chinese government reform drive, having previously been one part of the former China Aerospace Corporation. 

Various incarnations of the program date back to 1956. Along with space and defence manufacture, CASC also produces a number of high-end civilian products such as machinery, chemicals, communications equipment, transportation equipment, computers, medical care products and environmental protection equipment. 

CASC provides commercial launch services to the international market and is one of the world's most advanced organizations in the development and deployment of high energy propellant technology, strap-on boosters, and launching multiple satellites atop a single rocket. 

The corporation has registered capital of 1.1 billion U.S. dollars and employs 110 000 people. 

R and D and Production Complexes

1. China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) 

2. Academy of Aerospace solid Propulsion Technology (AASPT) 

3. China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) 

4. Academy of Aerospace Liquid Propulsion Technology (AALPT) 

5. Sichuan Academy of Aerospace Technology (SAAT) 

6. Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology (SAST) 

7. China Academy of Aerospace Electronics Technology (CAAET) 

8. China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics (CAAA) 

Specialized Companies:

1. China Satellite Communications Corporation

2. China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC)

3. China Aerospace Engineering Consultation Center 

4. China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application 

5. Aerospace Science & Technology France Co, Ltd. 

6. Aerospace Capital Holding Co, Ltd. 

7. China Aerospace Times Electronics Corporation 

8. China Aerospace International Holdings, Ltd. (中國航天國際控股有限公司) 

9. Beijing Shenzhou Aerospace Software Technology Co, Ltd. 

10. Shenzhen Academy of Aerospace Technology 

11. Aerospace Long-March International Trade Co, Ltd. 

12. China Siwei Surveying and Mapping Technology Co, Ltd 

Directly Subordinated Units:

1. China Astronautics Standards Institute 

2. China Astronautics Publishing House Space Archives 

3. Aerospace Communication Center 

4. China Space News 

5. Chinese Society of Astronautics 

6. Aerospace Talent Development & Exchange Center 

7. Aerospace Printing Office


Monday, 18 June 2012

Stasiun Ruang Angkasa Negeri Panda

The Chinese space station[citation needed] (CSS) is a planned artificial satellite to be placed in low earth orbit. It is part of Project 921 of the Chinese space program. 

It is a third generation modular space station, comparable to the Soviet/Russian Mir, Russian OPSEK and the ISS. Operations will be controlled from the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Centre in the People's Republic of China. 

According to the technology-tabloid The Register, Wang Wenbao, director of the Chinese space agency, the China Manned Space Engineering Office (CSME), believes that the project "will enhance national prestige and strengthen the national sense of cohesion and pride."

The planned launching date is "around 2020".


Friday, 15 June 2012

Tempat Peluncuran Pesawat Antariksa Negeri Panda

There are four launch centers in China. They are:

Most of the commercial satellite launches of Long March vehicles have been from Xichang Satellite Launch Center, located in Xichang, Sichuan province. Wenchang Satellite Launch Center in Hainan province is under expansion and will be the main launch center for future commercial satellite launches. Long March launches also take place from the more military oriented Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu province from which the manned Shenzhou spacecraft also launches. Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center is located in Shanxi province and focuses on the launches of Sun-synchronous orbit satellites.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Jenis Roket Peluncur: Long March

A Long March rocket (simplified Chinese: 长征系列运载火箭; traditional Chinese: 長征系列運載火箭; pinyin: Chángzhēng xìliè yùnzài huǒjiàn) or Changzheng rocket in Chinese pinyin is any rocket in a family of expendable launch systems operated by the People's Republic of China. Development and design falls under the auspices of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology. In English, the rockets are abbreviated as LM- for export and CZ- within China, as "Chang Zheng" means "Long March" in Chinese pinyin. The rockets are named after the Long March of Chinese communist history.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Misi Penerbangan Negeri Panda Ke Bulan

Chinese Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP) (simplified Chinese: 中国探月; traditional Chinese: 中國探月; pinyin: Zhōngguó Tànyuè), also known as the Chang'e program, is a program of robotic and human missions to the Moon undertaken by the China National Space Administration (CNSA), the space agency of the People's Republic of China. The program makes use of the Chang'e lunar orbiters, lunar rovers and sample return spacecraft, launched on adapted Long March 3A, Long March 5/E and Long March 7 launch vehicles. 

Launches and flights are monitored constantly by a Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C) system, which uses 50-m radio antennas in Beijing and 40-m antennas in Kunming, Shanghai and Ürümqi to form a 3,000-km VLBI antenna.

A proprietary ground application system is responsible for downlink data reception. Ouyang Ziyuan, a prominent Chinese geologist and cosmochemist, was among the first to advocate the exploitation not only of known lunar reserves of metals such as iron, but also of lunar helium-3, an ideal fuel for future nuclear fusion power plants. 

Ouyang, one of the strongest supporters of the Chinese human lunar exploration program, is currently serving as the chief scientist of the program. Another prominent Chinese scientist, Sun Jiadong, was assigned as the general designer, while a younger scientist, Sun Zezhou (孙泽州) was assigned as the deputy general designer. 

The current leading program manager is Luan Enjie (栾恩杰). The first spacecraft of the program, the unmanned lunar orbiter Chang'e 1, was successfully launched from Xichang Satellite Launch Center on October 24, 2007, having been delayed from the initial planned date of 17–19 April 2007.

A second unmanned orbiter, Chang'e 2, was launched successfully on October 1, 2010. Chang'e 3, China's first lunar rover, is expected to launch in 2013. A manned expedition may occur in 2025-2030.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Lembaga Antariksa Negeri Tirai Bambu

The China National Space Administration (CNSA, Chinese: 国家航天局; pinyin: Guó Jiā Háng Tiān Jú, literally "National Astronautics Bureau") is the national space agency of the People's Republic of China responsible for the national space program. It is responsible for planning and development of space activities. CNSA and China Aerospace Corporation (CASC) assumed the authority over space development efforts previously held by the Ministry of Aerospace Industry. It is a subordinate agency of the State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND), itself a subordinate agency of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Seminar Nasional Astronomi

Pentingnya Pendidikan Astronomi Sebagai Pemacu Perkembangan Sains dan Engineering 

From Left to Right
Prof. Thomas, Arip Nurahman(Me), Mr. Judhistira Aria Utama, M.Si.

Prof. Thomas Djamaluddin, M.Sc., D.Sc.
Profesor Riset Astronomi-Astrofisika, Deputi Sains, Pengkajian, dan Informasi Kedirgantaraan Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN).

Mr. Judhistira Aria Utama, M.Si.
Laboratorium Bumi dan Antariksa; Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika, Fakultas Pendidikan MIPA, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Mr. Ma'rufin Sudibyo, ST.

Mimpi dan Harapan Bangsa Indonesia untuk menjelajahi Antariksa

"Sudah saatnya kita belajar….belajar…dan belajar untuk memperbaiki ketertinggalan bangsa kita. Ayo … siapa yang siap untuk memulai pelajaran baru terbang menuju ruang angkasa, pesawat sudah siap kita berangkat…go…go… KALAU MEREKA BISA KITA JUGA BISA"

 Gerakan Antariksa Indonesia

100 Juta Generasi Muda Indonesia Dukung Program Antariksa


Bagaimana Strateginya?

Awali dengan Pendidikan

1. Space Education

"Kita akan membangun pendidikan IPTEK keantariksaan dari jenjang pendidikan usia dini hingga perguruan tinggi, anak-anak muda Indonesia akan diperkenalkan dengan Space Science & Technology sejak awal, mereka akan berbondong-bondong untuk mempelajarinya, mengembangkannya dan memajukannya berlandaskan rasa pengabdian Terhadap Pencipta Alam Raya ini.

a. Space Science & Technology for Early Education
b. Space Science & Technology for K-12 Education
c. Space Science & Technology for Higher Education 
Indonesian University Space Research Association

Program Antariksa Indonesia

Tahun 2045 Indonesia Menjadi Salah Satu Negara Antariksa Terhebat di Dunia  
Rusia Negeri yang terletak di Eurasia utara ini bahkan sudah menyusun rencana besar untuk Indonesia. Alexander A Ivanov selaku wakil pemerintah Rusia mengungkapkan harapan negerinya bagi Indonesia. “Kami ingin Indonesia menjadi negara antariksa,” ucapnya seraya tersenyum. “Bahkan menjadi negara Antariksa pertama di Asia Tenggara.” 

Untuk mewujudkan harapan ini, pemerintah Rusia lantas menggandeng Indonesia dalam sebuah proyek yang dinamakan dengan sistem peluncuran udara atau Air Launch. Bagi masyarakat Indonesia, program ini mungkin terdengar asing. Barangkali karena belum 100 persen terselesaikan, maka pemerintah Indonesia jarang memunculkan informasi seputar perkembangan Air Launch. “Kami menyebutnya proyek unik. Air Launch adalah program peluncuran satelit komersial dari kawasan Indonesia yang didukung dengan teknologi Rusia,” jawab Ivanov. 

Biak Spaceport


(Biak Space Port)

Proyek Air Launch bermula pada 2003. Saat itu, pesawat luar angkasa jenis An-124-100 yang disebut dengan Ruslan mulai dikembangkan di Biak, Papua. Gubernur Biak memberi izin bagi Rusia untuk membeli 2,7 hektare tanah di pulau itu untuk konstruksi infrastruktur yang dibutuhkan. “Air Launch merupakan proyek yang jauh lebih murah dan efisien dibandingkan proyek peluncuran satelit lainnya,” ungkap Presiden Air Launch Anatoly Karpov, sebagaimana dilansir dari 

Dalam program AirLaunch, roket dibawa menembus Atmosfer dengan menggunakan pesawat Ruslan. Ketika pesawat mencapai ketinggian 10-12 km di atas bumi, Ruslan akan melepaskan roketnya hingga masuk ke orbit. Selanjutnya, saat Ruslan mencapai ketinggian 11.000 m atau sekira 500 km dari permukaan tanah, pesawat ini akan melakukan gerakan manuver sehingga mencapai posisi tertentu, lalu satelit didorong keluar menggunakan sistem bertekanan udara yang disebut dengan pneumatic system. 

Proyek ini bernilai sekira USD122 juta dan telah disepakati sejak 2006 silam. Perundingan program ini sudah berlangsung sejak 2003 lalu, namun sampai saat ini, program tersebut belum dapat dimulai. Menurut beberapa ahli, peluncuran roket pengangkut Polyot dari Ruslan akan menelan biaya sekira USD23 juta atau 50 persen lebih murah dibandingkan meluncurkan roket Soyuz-2 dari muka Bumi. Rusia sungguh menyemai ekspektasi besar agar program ini dapat segera terealisasi. “Jika semuanya benar-benar terwujud, mungkin saja Indonesia bakal menjadi negara antariksa terbesar di Asia,” ujarnya berharap.

Semoga Yang Maha Kuasa Mendekap Mimpi-Mimpi Rakyat Indonesia.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Program Antariksa Negeri Panda

The space program of the People's Republic of China is directed by the China National Space Administration (CNSA). Its technological roots can be traced back to the late 1950s, when the People's Republic began a rudimentary ballistic missile program in response to perceived American (and, later, Soviet) threats. However, the first Chinese crewed space program only began in earnest several decades later, when an accelerated program of technological development culminated in Yang Liwei's successful 2003 flight aboard Shenzhou 5. This achievement made China the third country to independently send humans into space. Plans currently include a permanent Chinese space station in 2020 and crewed expeditions to the Moon and Mars.