Didefinisikan sebagai rasio dari rata-rata panjang jalur bebas molekular terhadap suatu skala panjang fisik representatif tertentu.
Skala panjang ini dapat berupa radius suatu benda dalam suatu fluida.
Secara sederhana, angka Knudsen adalah berapa kali panjang diameter suatu partikel akan bergerak sebelum menabrak partikel lain.
The Knudsen number (Kn) is a dimensionless number defined as the ratio of the molecular mean free path length to a representative physical length scale. This length scale could be, for example, the radius of the body in a fluid.
The number is named after Danish physicist Martin Knudsen (1871–1949). Who taught and conducted research at the Technical University of Denmark. He is primarily known for his study of molecular gas flow and the development of the Knudsen cell, which is a primary component of molecular beam epitaxy systems.
- = mean free path [L1]
- = representative physical length scale [L1].
- is the Boltzmann constant (1.3806504(24) × 10−23 J/K in SI units), [M1 L2 T-2 θ-1]
- is the thermodynamic temperature, [θ1]
- is the particle hard shell diameter, [L1]
- is the total pressure, [M1 L-1 T-2].
Relationship to Mach and Reynolds numbers in gases
The Knudsen number can be related to the Mach number and the Reynolds number:
Noting the following:
Dynamic viscosity,
- is the average molecular speed from the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution, [L1 T-1]
- T is the thermodynamic temperature, [θ1]
- μ is the dynamic viscosity, [M1 L-1 T-1]
- m is the molecular mass, [M1]
- kB is the Boltzmann constant, [M1 L2 T-2 θ-1]
- ρ is the density, [M1 L-3].
- U∞ is the freestream speed, [L1 T-1]
- R is the Universal gas constant, (in SI, 8.314 47215 J K−1 mol−1), [M1 L2 T-2 θ-1 'mol'-1]
- M is the molar mass, [M1 'mol'-1]
- is the ratio of specific heats, and is dimensionless.
The Mach, Reynolds and Knudsen numbers are therefore related by:
The Knudsen number is useful for determining whether statistical mechanics or the continuum mechanics formulation of fluid dynamics
should be used: If the Knudsen number is near or greater than one, the
mean free path of a molecule is comparable to a length scale of the
problem, and the continuum assumption of fluid mechanics is no longer a good approximation. In this case statistical methods must be used.
Problems with high Knudsen numbers include the calculation of the motion of a dust particle through the lower atmosphere, or the motion of a satellite through the exosphere. One of the most widely used applications for the Knudsen number is in microfluidics and MEMS device design.
The solution of the flow around an aircraft has a low Knudsen number, making it firmly in the realm of continuum mechanics. Using the Knudsen number an adjustment for Stokes' Law can be used in the Cunningham correction factor, this is a drag force correction due to slip in small particles (i.e. dp < 5 µm).
Semoga Bermanfaat.
Ucapan Terima Kasih:
Bapak dan Ibu Guru Semasa SMA
Guru dan Dosen di Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Ucapan Terima Kasih:
Bapak dan Ibu Guru Semasa SMA
Guru dan Dosen di Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Arip Nurahman Notes
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