Fisika berasal dari bahasa Yunani, physikos yang berarti ‘alamiah’. Karena itu Fisika merupakan suatu ilmu pengetahuan dasar yang mempelajari gejala-gejala alam dan interaksinya yang terjadi di alam semesta ini.
Hal-hal yang dibicarakan di dalam fisika, selalu didasarkan pada pengamatan eksperimental dan pengukuran yang bersifat kuantitatif.
Fisika terbagi atas dua bagian yaitu :
1. Fisika klasik yang meliputi bidang : Mekanika, Listrik Magnet, Panas,Bunyi, Optika dan Gelombang.
2. Fisika Modern adalah perkembangan Fisika mulai abad 20 yaitu penemuan Relativitas Einstein.
(Atom Inti, Radiasi dll)
Ilmu Fisika mendukung perkembangan teknologi, engineering
(Teknik Sipil, Elektro, Mesin, Pertambangan, dll)
Bahkan di bidang kesehatan (Misalnya: Kebidanan, Keperawatan, Kedokteran) dan lain-lain.
Dalam kesehatan kajian Fisika, seringkali dicirikan dengan awalan Bio: Biomekanika, Biothermal, Biofluida, Bioakustik, Biolistrik, Biooptik, Bioradiasi, dan lain-lain.
Sahabat Penulis [Defrianto Pratama, S.Pd. & I Gde Eka Dirgayusa, S.Pd.]
Sedang Berada di Laboratorium Fisika Medis, mereka tengah melanjutkan studi Master S2-nya
pada peminatan Medical Physics.
Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that uses the methods of physical science to studybiological systems. Studies included under the branches of biophysics span all levels of biological organization, from the molecular scale to whole organisms and ecosystems. Biophysical research shares significant overlap with biochemistry, nanotechnology, bioengineering, agrophysicsand systems biology.
Molecular biophysics typically addresses biological questions that are similar to those inbiochemistry and molecular biology,
but the questions are approached quantitatively. Scientists in this
field conduct research concerned with understanding the interactions
between the various systems of a cell, including the interactions
between DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis, as well as how these
interactions are regulated. A great variety of techniques is used to
answer these questions.
Medical Physics is generally speaking the application of physics concepts, theories and methods to medicine/healthcare. Medical physics departments are found in hospitals or universities.
In the case of hospital work the term 'Medical Physicist' is the
title of a specific healthcare profession with a specific mission
statement (see below). Such Medical Physicists are often found in the
following healthcare specialties:
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (also known as Medical Imaging),
Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Oncology (also known as Radiotherapy).
However, areas of specialty are widely varied in scope and breadth e.g.,
Clinical Physiology (also known as Physiological Measurement, several countries),
Neurophysiology (Finland),
Radiation Protection (many countries), and
Audiology (Netherlands).
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (also known as Medical Imaging),
Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Oncology (also known as Radiotherapy).
However, areas of specialty are widely varied in scope and breadth e.g.,
Clinical Physiology (also known as Physiological Measurement, several countries),
Neurophysiology (Finland),
Radiation Protection (many countries), and
Audiology (Netherlands).
University departments are of two types. The first type are mainly
concerned with preparing students for a career as a hospital Medical
Physicist and research focuses on improving the practice of the
A second type (increasingly called 'Biomedical Physics') has a much wider scope and may include research in any applications of physics to medicine from the study of biomolecular structure to microscopy and nanomedicine.
A second type (increasingly called 'Biomedical Physics') has a much wider scope and may include research in any applications of physics to medicine from the study of biomolecular structure to microscopy and nanomedicine.
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
- Diagnostic radiology, including X-rays, fluoroscopy, mammography, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, angiography and computed tomography
- Ultrasound, including intravascular ultrasound
- Non-ionizing radiation (Lasers, Ultraviolet etc.)
- Nuclear medicine, including single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET)
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and other methods for functional neuroimaging of the brain.
- For example, nuclear magnetic resonance (often referred to as magnetic resonance imaging to avoid the common concerns about radiation), uses the phenomenon of nuclear resonance to image the human body.
- Magnetoencephalography
- Electrical impedance tomography
- Diffuse optical imaging
- Optical coherence tomography
- Radiation Exposure Monitoring
- Interventional radiology
Semoga Bermanfaat.
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