Siang Itu matahari begitu cerah, sekitar pukul kami tim Cakrawala bersiap untuk mengadakan pengamatan gerhana. Selain itu juga kami mengadakan pengamatan umum bagi warga masyarakat yang ingin menyaksikan Gerhana Matahari di Kampus FPMIPA UPI Bandung.

Pukul 13.00 peralatan telah siap dan peserta pun mulai memasuki kawasan pengamatan, dengan dimulai dengan diskusi ilmiah dengan dipandu oleh seorang mahasiswi fisika tingkat akhir Putri Siti Rahma bertemakan gerhana dengan segala macam problemanya.
Peserta yag datang cukup banyak, terdaftar sebanyak 112 orang di ruangan E-210 FPMIPA, jumlah itu belum termasuk peserta yang masuk belakangan yang hadir pada saat pengamatan berlangsung. jadi total peserta ditaksir mencapai 150-200 orang. yang berkumpul di ruang lobi dan parkir depan fakultas.
Peserta di fasilitasi dengan sebuah monitor yang tersambung ke sebuah kamera, juga peserta dapat menikmati fenomena langsung dengan menggunkan kacamata khusus. semua peserta antusias, dan peserta sendiri berasal dari Mahasiswa UPI, ITB, UNPAD, siswa-siswi SMA, SLTP, dan masayarakat umum.
Namun pada saat pukul 15.00 langit terlihat mulai mendung, peserta dan kami pun merasa khawatir kalu-kalau gerhana tidak teramati, namun cuaca berbicara lain, pada pukul 14.25 waktu setempat awan mulai terbuka dan C1 pun mulai terlihat, peserta secara berbondong-bondong langsung menuju keluar untuk melihatnya. kamipun bersorak dan berdecak kagum atas terlihatnya fenomena ini.
Pada sekitar pukul 16.15 cuaca pun kembali tidak memihak, awan mendung mulai menutupi kembali, kamipun kembali menunggu dan berharap semoga awan ini kembali terbuka. dan benar saja meskipun melalui celah kecil kami dapat melihat saat-saat sebelum gerhana mancapai puncaknya sebelum tertutupi awan kembali.
Peserta yag datang cukup banyak, terdaftar sebanyak 112 orang di ruangan E-210 FPMIPA, jumlah itu belum termasuk peserta yang masuk belakangan yang hadir pada saat pengamatan berlangsung. jadi total peserta ditaksir mencapai 150-200 orang. yang berkumpul di ruang lobi dan parkir depan fakultas.
IYA2009 General
The International Year of Astronomy 2009 is a global effort initiated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and UNESCO to help the citizens of the world rediscover their place in the Universe through the day- and night-time sky, and thereby engage a personal sense of wonder and discovery.
Everyone should realise the impact of astronomy and other fundamental sciences on our daily lives, and understand how scientific knowledge can contribute to a more equitable and peaceful society. IYA2009 activities are taking place locally, nationally, regionally and internationally. National Nodes in each country are running activities throughout 2009 which will establish collaborations between professional and amateur astronomers, science centres and science communicators.
To coordinate this huge global programme and to provide an important resource for the participating countries, the IAU established a central Secretariat and an IYA2009 website ( as the principal IYA2009 resource for public, professionals and media alike
The International Year of Astronomy 2009 is endorsed by the United Nations and the International Council of Science (ICSU).
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Eyes on the Skies | The Cosmic Detective | The Lives of Galileo, a journey through the history of Astronomy |
Presentation Archive
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The International Year of Astronomy 2009 | IYA2009 - An Overview | Astronomy highlights during IYA2009 |
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What is Astronomy? | Who invented the Telescope? |
Educational Material Archive
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You Are Galileo! Project | IYA2009 Planispheres | ASP IYA2009 Discovery Guides |
- Bidang Teknologi Ruas Bumi Dirgantara
Melaksanakan kegiatan penelitian, pengembangan dan rancang bangun teknologi ruas bumi dirgantara, pemeliharaan, pengoperasian dan pengkalibrasian peralatan Unit Pengamat Wahana Dirgantara.
Fungsi :
Penelitian, pengembangan dan rancang bangun sistem ruas bumi dirgantara khususnya sistem ruas bumi satelit, pemeliharaan, pengoperasian dan pengkalibrasian peralatan Unit Pengamat Dirgantara;
- Kelompok Penelitian Space Craft Control (SCC ) Rancabungur
- Kelompok Penelitian Space Craft Control (SCC) Rumpin
- Kelompok Penelitian Pengembangan Teknologi Stasiun Bumi
- Kelompok Penelitian Flight Dynamics
- Kelompok Penelitian Operasional Ground Segment
Bidang Teknologi Muatan Dirgantara mempunyai tugas melaksanakan kegiatan penelitian, pengembangan dan rancang bangun teknologi muatan dirgantara.
Fungsi :
penelitian, pengembangan, dan rancang bangun sistem muatan dirgantara misi penginderaan jauh; telekomunikasi dan ilmiah.
3. Bidang Teknologi Mekatronika Dirgantara
Tugas Pokok:
Melaksanakan kegiatan penelitian, pengembangan dan rancang bangun teknologi mekatronika dirgantara.
Fungsi :
Penelitian, pengembangan dan rancang bangun sistem bus dan kendali satelit;
Ketiga Bidang tersebut mempunyai tugas pokok dan fungsinya masing-masing dalam mendukung program-program - program satelit yang sedang dan akan di kembangakan oleh Pustekelegan pada khususnya dan LAPAN pada umunya.
Conference of the Indonesia Astronomy and Astrophysics
The objective of the conference is to raise the quality of research and education in astronomy & astrophysics, and its closely related fields in Indonesia and its neighbours. All participants are encouraged to present their most recent works and to engage themselves in collaboration to further advance the fields.
Scientific Sessions
- Solar Physics and Sun-Earth Interaction
- Solar System and Extrasolar Planetary Systems
- Stellar Physics
- The Milky Way, Extragalaxy Astrophysics, and Cosmology
- Astronomical Softwares, Instrumentation, and Facilities
- Astronomy Education and Popularization
- The Application/Role of Astronomy in Society: (e.g. Culture, Calendar, Archaeoastronomy, etc)
- 29-30 October 2009: The Campus Centre, ITB, Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
- 31 October 2009: Bosscha Observatory, Lembang 40391, Indonesia
Conference Highlight: Saturday, 31 October 2009
The Inauguration of the Bosscha Solar Telescope and Conference Key Lecture on Solar Physics by Professor Robert Rutten from The Dutch Open Telescope.
Scientific Sessions:
- Solar Physics and Sun-Earth Interaction
- Solar System and Extrasolar Planetary Systems
- Stellar Physics
- The Milky Way, Extragalaxy Astrophysics, and Cosmology
- Astronomical Softwares, Instrumentation, and Facilities
- Astronomy Education and Popularization
- The Application/Role of Astronomy in Society (e.g. Culture, Calendar, Archaeoastronomy, etc)
1. Solar Physics and Sun-Earth Interaction |
- Clara Y. Yatini
- Dhani Herdiwijaya
No | Name(s) | Afiliation | Title | ID |
1 | Rob Rutten (R.J.Rutten[at] | Dutch Open Telescope (DOT) and Utrecht University | Solar activity sensitivity of Mn I lines: blame the others! | SS01-Or-01 |
2 | Bachtiar Anwar (bachtiara[at] | LAPAN | On The Formation And Decay Of Low Latitude Coronal Holes | SS01-Or-02 |
3 | Bambang Setiahadi (bsetiap[at] | LAPAN | Simulation of Eruptive Coronal Magnetic Field into High Corona | SS01-Or-03 |
4 | Clara Y. Yatini | LAPAN | Halo CMEs During Minimum of 23rd Solar Activity | SS01-Or-04 |
5 | Dhani Herdiwijaya | Astronomi-ITB | On the Correlation of Solar Energetic Particles Shock Wave, Magnetic Cloud and Geomagnetic Storm on November 2004 events | SS01-Or-05 |
6 | A. Gunawan Admiranto (gunawan[at] | LAPAN | Flare tanggal 6 Desember 2006 dan pengaruh yang ditimbulkannya pada angin surya dan ionosfer | SS01-Or-06 |
7 | Anwar Santoso (anwar[at] | LAPAN | Study Of Geomagnetically Induced Current (GIC) In Indonesia Based On Geomagnetic Field Variation And Its Time Derivative | SS01-Or-07 |
8 | Bachtiar Anwar (bachtiara[at] | LAPAN | The Role of Flux Emergence and Annihilation in Triggering Sunspot Activity | SS01-Po-01 |
2. Solar System and Extrasolar Planetary Systems |
- Budi Dermawan
- Taufiq Hidayat
No | Name(s) | Afiliation | Title | ID |
1 | Lucky Puspitarini, Budi Dermawan (lucky.puspitarini[at] | The Orbital Dynamics of Earth's Co-orbital Asteroids | SS02-Or-01 | |
2 | Suryadi Siregar, Lucky Puspitarini (suryadi[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Terminal Velocity in View of Space Debris | SS02-Or-02 |
3 | E. Soegiartini, I. Radiman, S. Siregar (endang[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Estimation of the Origin of 1566 Icarus Asteroid | SS02-Or-03 |
4 | Dewi Pramesti,Yan Rizal (esteenaut[at] | langitselatan | Initiation Work of Finding Impact Crater in Indonesia | SS02-Or-04 |
5 | Ferry M. Simatupang, Jefferson Teng (fmsimatupang[at] | Astronomi-ITB / langitselatan | Delta T Measurement from Annular Solar Eclipse 26 January 2009 | SS02-Or-05 |
6 | Dessy Eprilya (dessy_lyra[at] | FOSCA | Implementasi Kamera Digital untuk Mengidentifikasi Satelit di Jupiter | SS02-Or-06 |
7 | A. Fauzi, B. Dermawan (tzi_freeze[at] | Astronomi-ITB | The Study of Orbital Evolution of Inner-Earth Objects | SS02-Po-01 |
8 | B. Dermawan, T. Hidayat, M. Putra, A. Fermita, D. T. Wahyuningtyas, D. Mandey, Z. Hudaya, D. Utomo | Astronomi-ITB | Dynamical Evolution of Hilda Asteroids to Mars-crossers | SS02-Po-02 |
9 | Z. Hudaya, B. Dermawan, T. Hidayat, M. Putra, A. Fermita, D. T. Wahyuningtyas, D. Mandey, D. Utomo (zaki_hudaya[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Orbital Evolution of Centaurs and Trans-Neptunian Objects to Inner Solar System | SS02-Po-03 |
3. Stellar Physics |
- Mahasena Putra
No | Name(s) | Afiliation | Title | ID |
1 | P. Irawati, P. Mahasena, D. Mandey, C. N. Aini, B. Dwijayanti (aira103[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Preliminary Result on The Population Synthesis of Cataclysmic Variable Star | SS03-Or-01 |
2 | M. I. Hakim (irfan[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Pre-Main Sequence Be Star Candidates: Evolution Towards Critical Limit | SS03-Or-02 |
3 | D. N. Dawanas, H.L. Malasan, M. Irfan (djoni[at] | Astronomi-ITB | H-alpha Monitoring of Be type Stars at the Bosscha Observatory | SS03-Or-03 |
4 | H. L. Malasan, O.Hashimoto, A. T. Purijatmiko, H. Taguchi (hakim[at] | Astronomi-ITB / OB | High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Double-lined Detached Eclipsing Binaries | SS03-Or-04 |
5 | A. T. P. Jatmiko, H. L. Malasan, O. Hashimoto, H. Taguchi | Astronomi-ITB | The System of CD Tau: Absolute Parameters from High Resolution Spectroscopy with GAOES | SS03-Or-05 |
6 | D. Mandey, M. Putra, P. Irawati, C. N. Aini, B. Dwijayanti (eps_eridani_9[at] | Astronomi-ITB | RXTE Observations of Hercules X-1: Pulse Profile Changes at The Main High State | SS03-Or-06 |
7 | C. N. Aini, P. Mahasena, P. Irawati, D. Mandey, B. Dwijayanti (nuansaaini[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Non-Detection of QPOs in XTE J1747-274 during the 2008 Outburst | SS03-Or-07 |
8 | A. B. Harmeigi (aditya_budi_h[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Photometric Observation of Variable Stars with Small Telescope | SS03-Po-01 |
9 | S. J. Mohamad-Yob, M. Ziegler, T. Rauch, Klaus Werner (p38439[at] | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | UV Spectroscopy of K 648, the Central Star of the Planetary Nebula Ps 1 in the Globular Cluster M 15 | SS03-Po-02 |
4. The Milky Way, Extragalaxy Astrophysics, and Cosmology |
- Hesti R. T. Wulandari
- Premana W. Premadi
No | Name(s) | Afiliation | Title | ID |
1 | Suhardja D. Wiramihardja, Yayan Sugianto (suhardja[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Galactic Clusters as the Backbone of Spiral Arms | SS04-Or-01 |
2 | M. I. Arifyanto, H. R. T. Wulandari, Mahasena Putra, M. I. Hakim, D. T. Wahyuningtyas, D. Mandey (ikbal[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Nonparametric stellar membership determination open clusters : Ruprecht 27 | SS04-Or-02 |
3 | D. T. Wahyuningtyas, M. I. Arifyanto (d.titari[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Physical Parameters of Ruprecht 27 using Color-Magnitude Diagram's Modelling | SS04-Or-03 |
4 | D. Utomo, T. Hidayat | Astronomi-ITB | Retrieval of Galactic Rotation Curve from HI Observations at the Bosscha Observatory | SS04-Or-04 |
5 | Prof. Freddy P. Zen, D.Sc. (fpzen[at] | Theoretical Phys. Lab., Indonesia Center for Theor. and Math. Phys. (ICTMP), FMIPA, ITB | Modified Einstein Gravitational Equations on Braneworld with Lorentz Invariant Violation | SS04-Or-05 |
6 | Y. Sugianto, P. W. Premadi, S. D. Wiramihardja, Triyanta (yayan[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Study of Galaxies in Galaxy Clusters at Various Redshifts | SS04-Or-06 |
7 | Premana W. Premadi (premadi[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Morphology-Star Formation Relation for Field Galaxies in Low Redshift | SS04-Or-07 |
8 | Athaariq Ramadino (dino97_3b[at] | HAAJ | Starburst Galaxies: A Captivating Birth of Stars | SS04-Po-01 |
9 | H. Wulandari | Astronomi-ITB | Direct Searches of WIMP Dark Matter: Status and Perspective | SS04-Po-02 |
10 | S. R. Damanik, D. Utomo, T. Hidayat | Astronomi-ITB | Observations of Milky Way at 21 cm Wavelength at the Bosscha Observatory | SS04-Po-03 |
5. Astronomical Softwares, Instrumentation, and Facilities |
- Hakim L. Malasan
No | Name(s) | Afiliation | Title | ID |
1 | Mohammad Yunus, Moedji Raharto, Indra Budiman Syamwil, Dhani Herdiwijaya, Arief Sarwo Wibowo, Novi Sopwan, Mochamad Irfan | Fakultas Syariah dan Ilmu Hukum, UIN SUSKA | Pusat Ilmu Falak Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau (Sultan Syarif Kasim Astronomical Laboratory And Centre For Astronomical Studies) | SS05-Or-01 |
2 | E. S. Mumpuni, S. Sulistiani, C. Y. Yatini, N. Suryana, H. L. Malasan, D. Herdiwijaya (nggieng[at] | LAPAN | Preliminary Report from the Astronomy Site Testing for the Candidate of Observatory in SPD LAPAN Biak | SS05-Or-02 |
3 | P. Mahasena, T. Hidayat, B. Dermawan, M. Irfan, D. Herdiwijaya | Astronomi-ITB / OB | Study of Nusa Tenggara Timur as Astronomical Site Using Meteorological Satellite Data | SS05-Or-03 |
4 | T. Hidayat, M. Irfan, B. Dermawan, A. B. Suksmono, P. Mahasena, D. Herdiwijaya | Astronomi-ITB / OB | Development of Radio Astronomy at the Bosscha Observatory | SS05-Or-04 |
5 | Zamri Zainal Abidin (zzaa[at] | University of Malaya, Malaysia | Radio Astronomy Working Group for the South-East Asia Astronomy Network (SEAAN) | SS05-Or-05 |
6 | E. S. Mumpuni, R. Kesumaningrum, J. Muhamad (nggieng[at] | LAPAN | Simple Photometry to Measure the Sky Brightness using a DSLR Camera | SS05-Po-01 |
7 | Nizam Ahmad (ncjam_a[at] | LAPAN | Desain Awal Orbit Satelit LAPAN A2 | SS05-Po-02 |
6. Astronomy Education and Popularization |
- Widya Sawitar
- Premana W. Premadi
No | Name(s) | Afiliation | Title | ID |
1 | A. Yamani, E. S. Mumpuni, F. M. Simatupang, R. Satyaningsih, G. I. Prasetyono (avivah[at] | langitselatan | Astro 2.0: langitselatan as the implementation of web 2.0 in Indonesia | SS06-Or-01 |
2 | Gabriel Iwan Prasetyono | wikipedia community | Popularisasi Astronomi Melalui Wikipedia | SS06-Or-02 |
3 | Janette Suherli, Stefani Herlie, Eko Wiyando Putra, Hakim L. Malasan (cj_mahaputri[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Equatorial Hemisphere Sky Map based on video CCD for Astronomy Education | SS06-Or-03 |
4 | Premana W. Premadi, Yatny Yulianty (juli2anty[at] | UNAWE | Metode Bercerita dalam Pembelajaran Astronomi | SS06-Or-04 |
5 | Winny Liliawati, Taufik Ramlan Ramalis (winny[at] | UPI | Profil Miskonsepsi Materi IPBA Di SMA Dengan Menggunakan CRI (Certainly Of Respons Index) | SS06-Or-05 |
6 | Widya Sawitar (ron_aldebaran[at] | Planetarium & Obs. Jakarta | Menggugah Minat Siswa terhadap Astronomi Melalui Jejaring Amatir, KIR, dan Olimpiade Astronomi | SS06-Or-06 |
7 | Gwyn Walesa, Adly Rahmat Renhoran (gwyn_walesa[at] | FOSCA | Mengenal FOSCA (Forum of Scientist Teenagers) | SS06-Or-07 |
8 | R. Pujijayanti, A. Yamani, F. M. Simatupang, R. Satyaningsih, I. I.Hariawang (retno.suhadi[at] | langitselatan | Annular Solar Eclipse Expedition And Education Session in Lampung | SS06-Or-08 |
9 | A. Yamani, T. Hidayat (avivah[at] | langitselatan | International Year of Astronomy 2009: Various Activities in Indonesia | SS06-Po-01 |
10 | F. M. Simatupang, A. Yamani, Y. Yulianty, I. I. Hariawang, E. S. Mumpuni (fmsimatupang[at] | Astronomi-ITB / langitselatan | langitselatan Activities During IYA 2009 | SS06-Po-02 |
11 | J. A. Utama, H. Setyanto (judhistira[at] | UPI | Indonesia Mobile Observatory (IMO): It's Launching & Activities | SS06-Po-03 |
12 | Suryadi Siregar, Hendra Amijaya (suryadi[at] | Astronomi-ITB | Introducing Astronomy for High School Students through National Science Olympiads on Earth Science and International Earth Science Olympiad | SS06-Po-04 |
13 | Syifani (lynx2_guithero[at] | Kastro Polaris SMAN 38 | Kastro Polaris | SS06-Po-05 |
14 | Tersia Marsiano | HAAJ | Seperempat Abad Himpunan Astronomi Amatir Jakarta (HAAJ) 1984 -2009 | SS06-Po-06 |
15 | Yatny Yulianty, Irma I. Hariawang (juli2anty[at] | langitselatan | Compiling Starlore Across Nusantara | SS06-Po-07 |
7. The Application/Role of Astronomy in Society (e.g. Culture, Calendar, Archaeoastronomy, etc) |
- Moedji Raharto
- Ferry M. Simatupang
No | Name(s) | Afiliation | Title | ID |
1 | Andhika Eky Saputra, Iqbal E. Putra, Dr. Ir. Johan Arif (johan[at] | Geologi-ITB | Hubungan Ramalan Arkeoastronomi Suku Maya Dengan Bencana Masa Lampau Terkait Ramalan Bencana Tahun 2012 | SS07-Or-01 |
2 | Irma I. Hariawang, Ferry M. Simatupang, Iratius Radiman (irma.hariawang[at] | Astronomi-ITB / langitselatan | On The Hypothesis Of Borobudur’s Main Stupa As A Gnomon | SS07-Or-02 |
3 | J. A. Utama, L. Aviyanti (judhistira[at] | UPI | Light Pollution: It’s Impacts and Solutions | SS07-Or-03 |
4 | Prof. H. Suwandojo Siddiq, DE Eng. APU. | ICOP | The Study of Crescent Visibility in the Period of the First Nine Hijric Years (0622 to 0632 CE), as A New Criteria of Islamic Calendar | SS07-Or-04 |
5 | Novi Sopwan, Moedji Raharto | Astronomi-ITB | The Condition Of Moon Age And The Lag Between The Time Of Moon Set And Sun Set In The Context Of The First Lunar Crescent Visibility | SS07-Or-05 |
6 | Moedji Raharto, Novi Sopwan, Budi Dermawan, Dhani Herdiwijaya, Mahasenaputra | Astronomi-ITB | Twilight Constraint On Visibility Of Young Lunar Crescent In Metonic Perspective | SS07-Or-06 |
7 | Eka Puspita Arumaningtyas, Moedji Raharto | Astronomi-ITB | Characterizing the Lunar Crescent Visibility in 2010 Using the Contrast Parameter at Several Sites of Observation in Indonesia | SS07-Or-07 |
8 | T. Djamaluddin (t_djamal[at] | LAPAN | Cresent Visibility Analysis for Proposed Single Criteria in Indonesia | SS07-Or-08 |
9 | Kala Sunda | Kala Sunda | Kalender Sunda | SS07-Po-01 |