Make a Space City in 2060
1. Education
2. Research & Development
3. Space Industry
1. 2010-2015
Bersatunya Para Ilmuwan dan Kalangan Masyarakat ASEAN untuk Pengembangan Ilmu & Teknologi Antariksa
2. 2015-2020
Perancangan Pesawat Ulang Alik ASEAN
3. 2020-2025
Peluncuran Pertama Pesawat Ulang-Alik ASEAN
4. 2025-2030
Pembangunan Statsiun Luar Angkasa ASEAN
5. 2030-2040
Pendaratan Manusia di Bulan
Peluncuran dan Perakitan Kota Luar Angkasa ASEAN
6. 2040-2050
Peluncuran dan Perakitan Kota Luar Angkasa ASEAN
7. 2050-2060
Peresmian Kota Luar Angkasa ASEAN
"The long-term survival of the human race is at risk as long as it is confined to a single planet. Sooner or later, disasters such as an asteroid collision or nuclear war could wipe us all out. But once we spread out into space and establish independent colonies, our future should be safe. There isn't anywhere like the Earth in the solar system, so we would have to go to another star."
– Stephen Hawking, Physicist
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ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology (AMMST)
Science, technology and innovation can be powerful determinants and enablers of economic development, educational programmes and protection of the environment. This view is shared by the ASEAN Leaders who have recognised science and technology (S&T) as a key factor in sustaining economic growth, enhancing community well-being and promoting integration in ASEAN. The Leaders have envisioned that by 2020 that ASEAN will be technology competitive, competent in strategic and enabling technologies, with an adequate pool of technologically qualified and trained manpower, and strong networks of scientific and technological institution and centres of excellence.
The ASEAN Subcommittee on Space Technology and Applications (SCOSA) is an upgrade to the ASEAN Experts Group on Remote Sensing (AEGRS) after several decisions was made at different meetings based on its requirement to expand its roles in space technology and applications.
SCOSA will continue AEGRS practice in the past to further identify areas of common interest among ASEAN member countries and collaboration with dialogue partners in space and related technologies and its applications for mutual benefits.
To achieve the above objective, the functions of SCOSA shall be to:
Formulate and coordinate collaborative and cooperative programmes and projects on space technology and its applications, in particular, remote sensing, communication and satellite technology applications for environmental and natural resource management, and development planning; -
Review status and capability of space technology in the region and promote this technology for natural resource and environmental management and sustainable development; -
Recommend mechanisms to involve government agencies, industries and academia in promoting and sustaining regional cooperation in space technology and its applications; -
Exchange information on national policies, programmes and planning in all areas of space technology and its applications among member countries; -
Facilitate and accelerate the transfer of space technology and its applications to the ASEAN region; -
Promote collaborative activities and projects on space technology and its applications with relevant international organisations; -
Advise ASEAN-COST on matters relating to space technology and its applications; -
Assist in securing financial support and seek funding sources for ASEAN activities and projects relating to space technology and its applications.
(Indonesian University League)
(All Indonesian University Space Research Association)