"Murid yang dipersenjatai dengan informasi Akan selalu memenangkan pertempuran"
(Meladee McCarty)
Participants who are interested in submitting or being featured in a video must register before November 12th in order for a submitted video to be eligible. Once participants have received notification that they have been officially registered, participants will have till December 31st to submit a video entry to the website. NASA will screen each video submission for content and will notify the participant if their submission is accepted for inclusion in the contest. Videos will be available for public viewing throughout the submission period, but voting will not be accepted until the specified voting period. Voting will open on December 31st, 2010 and remain open through January 31st, 2011. The top 5 videos in each grade category (grades 3-5 and grades 6-8) will then be evaluated and ranked by NASA based on the criteria below. The winner(s) will be notified by February 28th, 2011.
NASA Spinoff Technologies

Did you know that space technology is all around you? The heart defibrillator your grandparents might have or the memory foam mattress you sleep on at night, or even the purified water you drink at your house are all technologies developed by NASA engineers, scientists and innovators. NASA is required to share its technologies with the public. The public then can take these technologies and make them into something that you can use around your house, at school or even on the road. These are known as spinoffs.
In 1976, NASA wanted to put all these great stories about spinoffs in a book that the public could read about. Since then, over 1,600 stories have been written about spinoffs. If you want to read more about these stories, the history of spinoffs and the impact space technology has made on you, please visit Spinoff.
Pilihan Teknologi
Voices:- Peter Cullen voices Optimus Prime leader of the Autobots
- Darius McCrary voices Jazz
- Jess Harnell voices Ironhide
- Robert Foxworth voices Ratchet