Presiden SBY menerima pataka atau bendera Universitas Pertahanan
Indonesia dari Mentri Pertahanan Prof. Juwono Sudarsono pada acara peresmian universitas
tersebut di Istana Negara
"Defense planning and management is a comprehensive endeavor that encompasses six different areas. There are three core areas: force, resource and weapon systems planning; and three supporting streams: logistics, C4SRI (command, control, communication computer, surveillance, reconnaissance, information) ), and civil emergency. Defense planning relates to other disciplines, such as air and naval technology development, standardization, intelligence, operational planning, and force generation."
"Defense planning and management is a comprehensive endeavor that encompasses six different areas. There are three core areas: force, resource and weapon systems planning; and three supporting streams: logistics, C4SRI (command, control, communication computer, surveillance, reconnaissance, information) ), and civil emergency. Defense planning relates to other disciplines, such as air and naval technology development, standardization, intelligence, operational planning, and force generation."
~Prof. Juwono Sudarsono, M.A., Ph.D., Former Minister of Defense, Education and Environment~
Mengunjungi Statsiun Pusat Peluncuran Roket Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional
Indonesia mempunyai karakteristik geografi yang terdiri atas gugusan Kepulauan Nusantara, yang terletak di posisi silang dengan aneka ragam sumber daya alam dan demografi yang majemuk wajib dilindungi dan dipertahankan. Kondisi Indonesia tersebut di satu sisi mengandung kekuatan besar untuk didayagunakan bagi sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat, tetapi di sisi lain juga mengisyaratkan suatu tantangan yang besar bagi pengelolaan dan pengamanannya yang berimplikasi terhadap diperlukannya pembangunan dan pengelolaan sistem pertahanan negara yang handal.
Berdasarkan hal tersebut di atas, negara memerlukan pendekatan pertahanan yang komprehensif dalam menghadapi setiap ancaman dengan memadukan seluruh kekuatan bangsa, baik kekuatan militer maupun nirmiliter. Keterpaduan kekuatan militer dan nirmiliter merupakan pengejawantahan sistem pertahanan yang dianut bangsa Indonesia, yakni sistem pertahanan yang bersifat semesta.
Upaya pertahanan negara merupakan tanggung jawab dan kehormatan setiap warga negara Indonesia yang diselenggarakan melalui fungsi pemerintah. Agar penyelenggaraan fungsi pertahanan negara terlaksana secara efektif sesuai dengan nilai-nilai keIndonesiaan sebagai negara demokrasi yang merdeka, berdaulat, dan berdasarkan hukum, diperlukan suatu ideologi dan filosofi untuk menuntun setiap unsur yang terlibat.
Oleh karena itu, Ideologi Pertahanan Negara Indonesia ditetapkan sebagai pengejawantahan tekad, prinsip, dan kehendak untuk menyelenggarakan pertahanan negara. Ideologi atau Doktrin Pertahanan Negara selanjutnya dijadikan sebagai salah satu perangkat utama dalam mengembangkan kebijakan dan strategi pertahanan negara.
Dalam Ideologi Pertahanan Negara ini dijelaskan tentang Hakikat, Kedudukan dan Landasan Doktrin Pertahanan, Perjuangan Bangsa Indonesia untuk berdiri sejajar dengan bangsa lain di dunia, Hakikat ancaman, Konsepsi Pertahanan Negara, Penyelenggaraan Pertahanan Negara dan Pembinaan Kemampuan Pertahanan Negara.
Weapon Systems Planning
Weapon systems planning is one of the main constituting elements of Dephan’s defense planning process. It aims to support the country’s political and economic objectives and focuses on the development of inter-service (but not common-funded) programs. It does this by promoting cost-effective acquisition, co-operative development and graduated increased local production of weapons systems . It also encourages interoperability, and technological and industrial co-operation among the three services and related ministries and government agencies.
Dephan’s mandate is to cooperate closely with the Ministry of State Enterprises (Menneg BUMN) which has legal and financial control over five strategic industries: PT Pindad; PT PAL; PT Dahana; PT LEN and PT DI; with the Ministry of Industry and the State Ministry for Science and Technology to prepare a long-term plan for developing defense industries which reduces reliance on foreign suppliers; and with the Ministry of Finance for purposes of fiscal accountability.
Kerjasama Pertahanan Antar Bangsa
Pengiriman para pelajar, peneliti dan teknisi kepada setiap negara-negara maju untuk menyerap ilmu pengetahuan dalam bidang pertahanan perlu segera dilaksanakan secara terus menerus dan berkesinambungan.
C4SRI Planning
The effective performance of Indonesia’s political and military functions, requires the widespread utilization of Command, Control, Computer, Communication Surveillance, Reconnaissance, Information (C4SRI) systems, services and facilities, supported by appropriate personnel and agreed doctrine, organizations and procedures. C4SRI systems include communications, information, navigation and identification systems as well as sensor and warning installation systems, designed and operated in a networked and integrated form to meet the needs of the TNI. Individual C4SRI systems may be provided via common funded programs, or by joint-funded co-operative programs.
Co-ordinated C4SRI planning is an essential activity for the achievement of a nation-wide cohesive, cost-effective, interoperable and secure capability which can meet current and projected political and military requirements. It ensures that C4SRI activities conducted under all aspects of defense planning remain coherent throughout the life-cycle of systems and programs, and that end-products and services match real capability requirements.
C3I planning needs to encompass all elements needed for the achievement of capability. Capability does not just come from the provision of materiel (systems) and facilities, but also relies upon the existence of appropriate organization, training, logistics and personnel, and of relevant interoperability. In addition, the achievement of required system capability necessitates the application of a combination of the three core planning disciplines: resource, armaments and force planning. The C4SRI planning process influences and controls the activities of these planning areas to ensure a degree of coherence between them.
List Defense Contractors
A defense contractor (or security contractor) is a business organization or individual that provides products or services to a military or intelligence department of a government. Products typically include military or civilian aircraft, ships, vehicles, weaponry, and electronic systems. Services can include logistics, technical support and training, communications support, and in some cases team-based engineering in cooperation with the government.
Security contractors do not generally provide direct support of military operations. Under 1949 Geneva Conventions military contractors engaged in direct support of military operations may be legitimate targets of military attacks. Compare to a private military contractor.
Industri Pertahanan di Tanah Air harus segera belajar dan mengadopsi Inovasi-inovasi Iptek yang dihasilkan oleh para perusahaan adidaya dalam bidang pertahanan dengan berbagai macam strategi misalnya alih lisensi dan transfer Iptek berkelanjutan.
Buku Putih Pertahanan adalah salah satu produk strategis dibidang Pertahanan, yang merupakan suatu rumusan pernyataan dan kebijakan pertahanan sebagai pedoman bagi penyelenggaraan fungsi pertahanan negara.
Perubahan politik dunia yang terjadi di era globalisasi, telah menghadirkan suatu kompetisi antar bangsa. Kondisi tersebut cenderung mengarah pada perebutan pengaruh yang cukup ketat, baik global, regional maupun nasional. Perkembangan tersebut antara lain meyebabkan terjadinya perubahan pada situasi keamanan dunia dengan munculnya isu-isu keamanan baru.
Di masa lalu, isu keamanan tradisional cukup menonjol, yakni yang berhubungan dengan geopolitik dan geostrategi, khususnya pengaruh kekuatan blok barat dan blok timur. Pada masa itu, kekhawatiran dunia terutama pada masalah pengembangan kekuatan militer dan senjata strategis serta hegemoni.
Isu keamanan pada dekade terakhir ini makin kompleks dengan meningkatnya aktivitas terorisme, perampokan dan pembajakan, penyeludupan, imigrasi gelap, penangkapan ikan secara ilegal, dan kejahatan lintas negara lainnya. Bentuk-bentuk kejahatan trsebut makin kompleks karena dikendalikan oleh aktor-aktor dengan jaringan lintas negara yang sangat rapi, serta memiliki kemampuan teknologi dan dukungan finansial.
Seiring dengan perkembangan global tersebut, di Indonesia berlangsung Gerakan Reformasi, bertujuan mewujudkan kehidupan masyarakat yang demokratis, bersih dari praktik-praktik korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme (KKN). Sejauh ini reformasi nasional telah memberi isyarat perubahan positif dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia, melalui penataan sistem pemerintahan, baik politik, hukum, ekonomi, sosial, maupun pertahanan serta keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat.
Semoga Bermanfaat dan Jayalah Bangsa Kami Semua
Semoga Allah SWT Melindungi Bangsa Ini.
Ucapan Terima Kasih Kepada:
"Peneliti Muda Sedang Mengamati Roket Mini Buatan LAPAN"
Weapon Systems Planning
Weapon systems planning is one of the main constituting elements of Dephan’s defense planning process. It aims to support the country’s political and economic objectives and focuses on the development of inter-service (but not common-funded) programs. It does this by promoting cost-effective acquisition, co-operative development and graduated increased local production of weapons systems . It also encourages interoperability, and technological and industrial co-operation among the three services and related ministries and government agencies.
Dephan’s mandate is to cooperate closely with the Ministry of State Enterprises (Menneg BUMN) which has legal and financial control over five strategic industries: PT Pindad; PT PAL; PT Dahana; PT LEN and PT DI; with the Ministry of Industry and the State Ministry for Science and Technology to prepare a long-term plan for developing defense industries which reduces reliance on foreign suppliers; and with the Ministry of Finance for purposes of fiscal accountability.
Kerjasama Pertahanan Antar Bangsa
Pengiriman para pelajar, peneliti dan teknisi kepada setiap negara-negara maju untuk menyerap ilmu pengetahuan dalam bidang pertahanan perlu segera dilaksanakan secara terus menerus dan berkesinambungan.
World's top 15 military spenders
Rank | Country | Spending ($ Bn.) | % of GDP | World share (%) | Spending ($ Bn. PPP) |
— | World total | 1,738 | 2.5 | 100 | 1562.3 |
1 | ![]() |
711.0 | 4.7 | 41 | 711 |
2 | ![]() |
143.0 | 2.0 | 8.2 | 228 |
3 | ![]() |
71.9 | 3.9 | 4.1 | 93.7 |
4 | ![]() |
62.7 | 2.6 | 3.6 | 57.5 |
5 | ![]() |
62.5 | 2.3 | 3.6 | 50.1 |
6 | ![]() |
59.3 | 1.0 | 3.4 | 44.7 |
7 | ![]() |
48.9 | 2.6 | 2.8 | 117 |
8 | ![]() |
48.5 | 8.7 | 2.8 | 58.8 |
9 | ![]() |
46.7 | 1.3 | 2.7 | 40.4 |
10 | ![]() |
35.4 | 1.5 | 2.0 | 33.8 |
11 | ![]() |
34.5 | 1.6 | 2.0 | 28.5 |
12 | ![]() |
30.8 | 2.7 | 1.8 | 42.1 |
13 | ![]() |
26.7 | 1.8 | 1.5 | 16.6 |
14 | ![]() |
24.7 | 1.4 | 1.4 | 19.9 |
15 | ![]() |
17.9 | 2.3 | 1.0 | 25.2 |
The effective performance of Indonesia’s political and military functions, requires the widespread utilization of Command, Control, Computer, Communication Surveillance, Reconnaissance, Information (C4SRI) systems, services and facilities, supported by appropriate personnel and agreed doctrine, organizations and procedures. C4SRI systems include communications, information, navigation and identification systems as well as sensor and warning installation systems, designed and operated in a networked and integrated form to meet the needs of the TNI. Individual C4SRI systems may be provided via common funded programs, or by joint-funded co-operative programs.
Co-ordinated C4SRI planning is an essential activity for the achievement of a nation-wide cohesive, cost-effective, interoperable and secure capability which can meet current and projected political and military requirements. It ensures that C4SRI activities conducted under all aspects of defense planning remain coherent throughout the life-cycle of systems and programs, and that end-products and services match real capability requirements.
C3I planning needs to encompass all elements needed for the achievement of capability. Capability does not just come from the provision of materiel (systems) and facilities, but also relies upon the existence of appropriate organization, training, logistics and personnel, and of relevant interoperability. In addition, the achievement of required system capability necessitates the application of a combination of the three core planning disciplines: resource, armaments and force planning. The C4SRI planning process influences and controls the activities of these planning areas to ensure a degree of coherence between them.
List Defense Contractors
A defense contractor (or security contractor) is a business organization or individual that provides products or services to a military or intelligence department of a government. Products typically include military or civilian aircraft, ships, vehicles, weaponry, and electronic systems. Services can include logistics, technical support and training, communications support, and in some cases team-based engineering in cooperation with the government.
Security contractors do not generally provide direct support of military operations. Under 1949 Geneva Conventions military contractors engaged in direct support of military operations may be legitimate targets of military attacks. Compare to a private military contractor.
See also: list of United States defense contractors, Top 100 US Federal Contractors, and arms industry
2011 rank | Company (country) | 2011 arms sales (US$ m.) | 2010 arms sales (US$ m.) | 2009 arms sales (US$ m.) | 2008 arms sales (US$ m.) | 2007 arms sales (US$ m.) | Arms sales as share of company’s total sales (%), | ||||
1 | ![]() |
36270 | 35730 | 33430 | 29880 | 29400 | 78 | ||||
2 | ![]() |
31830 | 31360 | 32300 | 29200 | 30480 | 46 | ||||
3 | ![]() |
29150 | 32880 | 33250 | 32420 | 29860 | 95 | ||||
4 | ![]() |
23760 | 23940 | 25590 | 22780 | 21520 | 73 | ||||
5 | ![]() |
22470 | 22980 | 21030 | 23080 | 19540 | 90 | ||||
6 | ![]() |
21390 | 28150 | 27000 | 26090 | 24600 | 81 | ||||
7 | ![]() |
16390 | 16360 | 17900 | 15930 | 13100 | 24 | ||||
8 | ![]() |
14560 | 14410 | 13280 | 13020 | 9850 | 60 | ||||
9 | ![]() |
12520 | 13070 | 13010 | 12160 | 11240 | 83 | ||||
10 | ![]() |
11640 | 11410 | 11110 | 9980 | 8760 | 20 | ||||
11 | ![]() |
9480 | 9950 | 10200 | 10760 | 9350 | 52 | ||||
12 | ![]() |
7940 | 8230 | 8030 | 7350 | 6250 | 75 | ||||
13 | ![]() |
6380 | - | - | - | - | 97 | ||||
14 | ![]() |
5280 | 5400 | 5380 | 5310 | 5020 | 14 | ||||
15 | ![]() |
5240 | 4800 | 4740 | 3020 | 5230 | 32 | ||||
16 | ![]() |
4860 | 5940 | 6050 | 5710 | 5420 | 31 | ||||
17 | ![]() |
4670 | 4330 | 4140 | 4720 | 4580 | 26 | ||||
18 | ![]() |
4440 | 3440 | - | - | - | 80 | ||||
19 | ![]() |
4370 | 7080 | 2770 | 2070 | 1570 | 58 | ||||
20 | ![]() |
4100 | 4300 | 4700 | 3650 | 3460 | 3 | ||||
21 | ![]() |
4020 | 4000 | 4730 | 5170 | 3850 | 69 | ||||
22 | ![]() |
3690 | 3950 | 3260 | 4340 | 2780 | 85 |
Industri Pertahanan di Tanah Air harus segera belajar dan mengadopsi Inovasi-inovasi Iptek yang dihasilkan oleh para perusahaan adidaya dalam bidang pertahanan dengan berbagai macam strategi misalnya alih lisensi dan transfer Iptek berkelanjutan.
Buku Putih Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia
Buku Putih Pertahanan adalah salah satu produk strategis dibidang Pertahanan, yang merupakan suatu rumusan pernyataan dan kebijakan pertahanan sebagai pedoman bagi penyelenggaraan fungsi pertahanan negara.
Perubahan politik dunia yang terjadi di era globalisasi, telah menghadirkan suatu kompetisi antar bangsa. Kondisi tersebut cenderung mengarah pada perebutan pengaruh yang cukup ketat, baik global, regional maupun nasional. Perkembangan tersebut antara lain meyebabkan terjadinya perubahan pada situasi keamanan dunia dengan munculnya isu-isu keamanan baru.
Di masa lalu, isu keamanan tradisional cukup menonjol, yakni yang berhubungan dengan geopolitik dan geostrategi, khususnya pengaruh kekuatan blok barat dan blok timur. Pada masa itu, kekhawatiran dunia terutama pada masalah pengembangan kekuatan militer dan senjata strategis serta hegemoni.
Isu keamanan pada dekade terakhir ini makin kompleks dengan meningkatnya aktivitas terorisme, perampokan dan pembajakan, penyeludupan, imigrasi gelap, penangkapan ikan secara ilegal, dan kejahatan lintas negara lainnya. Bentuk-bentuk kejahatan trsebut makin kompleks karena dikendalikan oleh aktor-aktor dengan jaringan lintas negara yang sangat rapi, serta memiliki kemampuan teknologi dan dukungan finansial.
Seiring dengan perkembangan global tersebut, di Indonesia berlangsung Gerakan Reformasi, bertujuan mewujudkan kehidupan masyarakat yang demokratis, bersih dari praktik-praktik korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme (KKN). Sejauh ini reformasi nasional telah memberi isyarat perubahan positif dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia, melalui penataan sistem pemerintahan, baik politik, hukum, ekonomi, sosial, maupun pertahanan serta keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat.
Semoga Bermanfaat dan Jayalah Bangsa Kami Semua
Semoga Allah SWT Melindungi Bangsa Ini.
Ucapan Terima Kasih Kepada:
Ridwan Firdaus (Geografi Universitas Negeri Jakarta), Ade Akhyar Nurdin
(Teknik Geologi Universitas Jendral Soedirman), Widia Prima M. (Teknik
Sipil, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut), Deni Nugraha (Ilmu Pemerintahan
STISIP Banjar), Ismail Muhammad S. (Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Universitas Jendral Soedirman), Farid Waliyuddin R. (Sekolah Tinggi
Akuntansi Negara), Muhlaso Dian A. (Institute Pemerintahan Dalam
Negeri), Ricky Aji Pratama (Sekolah Tinggi Sandi Negara), Nararya Rahadian Budiono (UNY & UNS), Let Da TNI Hendri Agus H. & Bekti Aji S. (Akademi Militer).
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